drug test


Active Member
Someone plz help me!! i have to place a drug test in like 4 days does anyone have any ideas? plz help!! P.S. just need to pass for THC


Active Member
drink water as much as u can. try for 2+ gallons a day also depends how much u smoke. everyday? couple times a week?


Well-Known Member
go to your local head shop and get one of the UA kit things...they work pretty good if your a recreational smoker. Drink lots of water....workout and get as much b12 in your system as possibe. Oh and take your UA in the afternoon if at all possible. The THC in your system is stronger in the mornings. I have to pass random UA's all the time. I smoke a bowl a day and manage to pass using this method ...


Well-Known Member
Buy QuickFix, look it up on the internet its synthetic urine, guaranteed to pass or you get 200% of your money back!


Active Member
i just had to take one friday. it all depends on how much you smoke. if you are like me and smoke every day then four days might be enough to get it out of your system but i wouldnt say for sure. the best simplist easiest way to do it is just go down to your local head shop and get some synthetic urine, its called " number 1" its a belt that you put around your waist, it has a warmer that you put on it that keeps it the ideal temp. between 98*-100*F . i did it and it was so simple. i highly recommend this over stressing drinking hella water and not even knowing if you are clean for sure. again i highly recommend it : D


Well-Known Member
the thing about sythentic urine is praying the doc dosn't do a pat down. I had one doc that did it once and it scared me out of using fake urine ever....don't know what kind of job this is for and how much they care. it all dependsif you do it....don't use the belt...easy to find..or see, use the condom inbetween your legs..best bet