Drug Tzar upset about a Pro-Legalization article and is flying in for a meeting

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hello Ernst,
Thanks for being active in the legalization movement.

I read your comment in the link. You mention something about "democracy working..." I'll posit democracy only works for those that happen to be in a given majority at a given time. Even then it may not "work" in the sense that it if the choices are restricted to A or B, when there should be a choice C or D etc. then democracy is really an illusion of choice.


Well-Known Member
Nice, sound like the drug czar is scared it may become a reality....

Plus rep for fighting the good fight for us all!


Well-Known Member
I don't know a lot about Washington State but they seem to have the State run liquor store system?
That would mean the State would sell the cannabis? Could be the main reason for the visit; that it may be a the single biggest red-herring for the Feds that they could have.

It may be that when it's people doing the selling that it is one things and when it is a State that is another?

I can only guess what will happen.. I signed the petition to have it on-line and in the open. Perhaps we all should go sign that and maybe our Government will be transparent this time.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey bro I live up in Wa State, and yeah we do have state run liquor stores but the state just waists that money on BS programs. My thing is that I don't want MJ legal I want it decriminalized! Now stay with me on this. If we legalize it the quality will go down on the weed so it can be mass produced, and pumped out as quickly as they can sell it. Just like our food industry in this country, they pump all kinds of hormones and god knows what else into the chicken/beef and the government does nothing while these big companies are poisining us. And also I don't think the gov or the state knows what the fuck they are doing with our money and they just throw it away on broken programs or line their pockets with it!

So if we decriminalize it and local growers can grow without fear of being arrested it creates a competitive market. If you buy local grown weed from a local gorwer where does he spend the money? Right back into the local economy! Thus creating jobs and income for stores in your local area. JMHO

Sorry about getting on my soap box but I just hate to see people scream about legalizing MJ thinking that it is going to help out the State. Or solve any of the gov problems! You have to first figure out where all the tax money wer are now giving them is being wasted, if they did that we wouldn't have to give them any more money!


Well-Known Member
Hello Ernst,
Thanks for being active in the legalization movement.

I read your comment in the link. You mention something about "democracy working..." I'll posit democracy only works for those that happen to be in a given majority at a given time. Even then it may not "work" in the sense that it if the choices are restricted to A or B, when there should be a choice C or D etc. then democracy is really an illusion of choice.
That is what it is advertised as.. It has been said the Initiative process is as close to direct democracy as it gets. So I take some comfort in that idea.
Now to get enough people demanding full horticulture rights with the cannabis plant. We don't think of ourselves as farmers in our modern times but we should. We should all know how to fall back and grow food, medicaine and fibre.. Mankind could lose those basic skills of survival or have them slowly bred out of us. We are after all flesh and bone like the cows in the stockyard are and in a way we are just cattle of a different kind.

I'm not in favor of a Canna-Law that tells the human living breathing person that they cannot have the plants of this world for their own as they see fit but a non-human overseer corporation will supply you as you can afford.
I'm simply being liberal on this issue..

I understand the USA went with Republic over a Democracy.. I know that we do not vote for a president we vote for someone who goes to select one.. That they are not obligated to do the will of the people in choosing our next president and that most people do not realize that our system of Government is designed to keep the power of the people in check against the plutocracy. The USA was built to have a democratic style of balance between rich and poor that we have been slowly improving over time.
Cannabis is a plant that represents the people in this case and restrictions on growing and possessing this plant is the same struggle we face in all things. Someone wants us to pay for what should be free because it supports the separation of wealthy and not wealthy that we defend as our American Values.. Well from my point of view.

So I am all for Horticulture rights for the people.

I mean most folks don't know the difference between Legalization and decriminalization so it is really important that those of us who do fight for full horticulture rights with this soon to be something-ed plant do it often. In my opinion.

So my bit in this next cycle is to beat the drum of Horticulture rights. I see already that 2012 is a failed effort again.. Our Business interests are going to try to gain political permission for a market system on the back of freedom for the people again..
I am hoping to get a positive answer from the Initiative groups that they are working proper Horticulture in but so far all i know is they are working it from the point of view of industry first with some lessor rights for people again like prop-19.
Do you have any news?
What role are you taking on in this new cycle?



Well-Known Member
That is what it is advertised as.. It has been said the Initiative process is as close to direct democracy as it gets. So I take some comfort in that idea.
Now to get enough people demanding full horticulture rights with the cannabis plant. We don't think of ourselves as farmers in our modern times but we should. We should all know how to fall back and grow food, medicaine and fibre.. Mankind could lose those basic skills of survival or have them slowly bred out of us. We are after all flesh and bone like the cows in the stockyard are and in a way we are just cattle of a different kind.

I'm not in favor of a Canna-Law that tells the human living breathing person that they cannot have the plants of this world for their own as they see fit but a non-human overseer corporation will supply you as you can afford.
I'm simply being liberal on this issue..

I understand the USA went with Republic over a Democracy.. I know that we do not vote for a president we vote for someone who goes to select one.. That they are not obligated to do the will of the people in choosing our next president and that most people do not realize that our system of Government is designed to keep the power of the people in check against the plutocracy. The USA was built to have a democratic style of balance between rich and poor that we have been slowly improving over time.
Cannabis is a plant that represents the people in this case and restrictions on growing and possessing this plant is the same struggle we face in all things. Someone wants us to pay for what should be free because it supports the separation of wealthy and not wealthy that we defend as our American Values.. Well from my point of view.

So I am all for Horticulture rights for the people.

I mean most folks don't know the difference between Legalization and decriminalization so it is really important that those of us who do fight for full horticulture rights with this soon to be something-ed plant do it often. In my opinion.

So my bit in this next cycle is to beat the drum of Horticulture rights. I see already that 2012 is a failed effort again.. Our Business interests are going to try to gain political permission for a market system on the back of freedom for the people again..
I am hoping to get a positive answer from the Initiative groups that they are working proper Horticulture in but so far all i know is they are working it from the point of view of industry first with some lessor rights for people again like prop-19.
Do you have any news?
What role are you taking on in this new cycle?

yo are simply being difficult. not liberal.

liberals take what they can get and understand that concessions are a key part of getting what you want, then keeping up the fight to get what you conceded before. we understand it's a process.

you are STIFLING the marijuana legalization movement.

in no way are you helping the pro-legalize movement by arguing against every single bill that tries to legalize marijuana and establish the legal framework for it's sale and distribution.

you are DELUDED.


Well-Known Member
just b/c you put your picture up and spend your days blogging on marijuana sites doesn't give you credibility.

you are supporting the status quo. and doing a great job at it.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro I live up in Wa State, and yeah we do have state run liquor stores but the state just waists that money on BS programs. My thing is that I don't want MJ legal I want it decriminalized! Now stay with me on this. If we legalize it the quality will go down on the weed so it can be mass produced, and pumped out as quickly as they can sell it. Just like our food industry in this country, they pump all kinds of hormones and god knows what else into the chicken/beef and the government does nothing while these big companies are poisining us. And also I don't think the gov or the state knows what the fuck they are doing with our money and they just throw it away on broken programs or line their pockets with it!

So if we decriminalize it and local growers can grow without fear of being arrested it creates a competitive market. If you buy local grown weed from a local gorwer where does he spend the money? Right back into the local economy! Thus creating jobs and income for stores in your local area. JMHO

Sorry about getting on my soap box but I just hate to see people scream about legalizing MJ thinking that it is going to help out the State. Or solve any of the gov problems! You have to first figure out where all the tax money wer are now giving them is being wasted, if they did that we wouldn't have to give them any more money!

No fear on the soap box.. I will be dodging vegetables and beer bottles right on up to Nov 2012.. No Problem.

I'm actually promoting the concept of only legalize for the people this go around. Leave business out of it, for California that is.
So that the Laws we create will be solid.
I read that you are saying that Legalization would undermine the market? Is that right?

This is the thing I am chiselling on.. That we can pass Legalization if we don't try and tread on the Fed's domain. Meaning Commerce.
The Federal Government seems only to care about when Cannabis is an industry and so too the rest of California. In Fact I wonder if a simple Initiative that excludes industry will be the right thing to do first. Most folks would see this as an attack on drug dealing don't you think?

I'll ask you the same question I am asking Matt Rice. Can we all simply Legalize for the people in 2012 and skip the Industry for now?
Would laying the foundation of Cannabis freedom down in Law for the people only this time be the foundation we all need?


Well-Known Member
just b/c you put your picture up and spend your days blogging on marijuana sites doesn't give you credibility.

you are supporting the status quo. and doing a great job at it.

Please reread your posts. The format you are using is one of Hate. I'm not going to host your conversation when it is a constant attack.
I was told that it is better to reinforce your argument that it is to force control of the topic when it comes to debate.
I'll look forward to an exchange that produces something positive for the readers.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem with your approach.

Marijuana sellers = drug dealers.

that's not the truth. PERIOD. marijuana is sold by drug dealers ATM b/c it is illegal.

but no matter how much you try, marijuana will always be bought and sold. arguing for laws that ignore this simple fact is crazy.

we need a predictible, stable, and uniformally enforced code that will define when marijuana use, sale, distribution is to be considered legal, and when it is not.

this idea that all marijuana users are more important than the supply/demand side of the argument is incomplete. legally possessed weed is useless if you cannot legally supply it, or buy it, without having to grow it.....


Well-Known Member
I'm pointing out that we can divide it into simpler steps to take. Hummm Are you against Baby steps?

Interesting post there redivider.

We already have laws to deal with people selling so we needn't worry that it will no longer be a crime and we will all go crazy selling cannabis in school zones.

What I am asking is can we legalize for the people this time and leave the worry of business to our Law makers and enforcers.

And remember this these questions are food for thought for us all.