Drug War Facts


Active Member
Thought I'd throw a link to some invaluable information regarding marijuana, the war on marijuana, scientific studies on marijuana, and some findings by officials associated with the federal government and DEA. Use this information against the people who are against legalization. Confound them with facts that scientifically backed up, use the sources. You can't argue fact unless your ignorant.


This may have been posted before. If so, well....here it is again. ;-)


Active Member
hey no problem. Stumbled upon it randomly browsing the web. It just makes more sense to argue with facts backed up by studies by scientists that are cited in credible journals. I believe if people keep producing facts backed up by scientific studies, rather than emotional dribble and citing undocumented/unsubstantiated thoughts like the anti-marijuana crowd, there is a better chance of decriminalization. Have you ever heard somone who claims marijuana is a gateway drug or that it is so horrible cause it causes schizophrenia back it up with scientific studies? No, never.


Well-Known Member
Read that information before. Good stuff to know when faced with a hardline anti. They have years of rhetoric to spew out, but shrink out of serious conversation when slapped by fact. The information on there should be shared with folks that are not associated with Marijuana so that they can begin forming their own opinions. Most average folks have never heard a dissenting point of view to counter the DARE type dribble blathered in commercials.