drug war failure in one picture.


Well-Known Member
Yet Romney thinks drug laws- marijuana laws specifically- have nothing to do with the economy, according to an interview after a campaign stop in Colorado. Did I mention he thinks marijuana is a gateway drug, dangerous, and will corrupt our youth? So archaic and wrong.


Well-Known Member
Nobody cares what a snitch thinks

LOLOL! Freedomworks- Do you really want me to post your posts where you snitched on me again? C'mon now!!! Or your Private Message to me where you said- "You can't call people a snitch on this forum, its against the rules" only because you wanted me to stop because you were terrified that more people would see what you did and said!! LMAO- You my friend, are born a FAIL!

Let me know if you want me to share that with the RIU community.

I would LOVE to!


Well-Known Member
LOLOL! Freedomworks- Do you really want me to post your posts where you snitched on me again? C'mon now!!! Or your Private Message to me where you said- "You can't call people a snitch on this forum, its against the rules" only because you wanted me to stop because you were terrified that more people would see what you did and said!! LMAO- You my friend, are born a FAIL!

Let me know if you want me to share that with the RIU community.

I would LOVE to!
LOL The moderators don't care about the rules, otherwise u-buck would have been banned a long time ago for exploiting pictures of small children like some sort of pedophile. I don't care if you're smoking crack, I don't call the cops.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
LOL The moderators don't care about the rules, otherwise u-buck would have been banned a long time ago for exploiting pictures of small children like some sort of pedophile. I don't care if you're smoking crack, I don't call the cops.
Says the man that keeps getting banned and returning under new aliases. I think the mods are doing a bang up job. They've managed to rid us of you.


Well-Known Member
Says the man that keeps getting banned and returning under new aliases. I think the mods are doing a bang up job. They've managed to rid us of you.
I've only been banned one time over a year ago. Courtesy of the bias Uncle Buck. I'm not breaking any rules. I've only ever had 1 other account before. Want to know what the name of that account was?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I don't know how to include a picture, but this graph clearly shows the US drug war for what it is, a total failure:

Do you really think a government that actively deals in drug trafficking through it's intelligence and law enforcement communities, as well as the armed forces, is going to give up all that money? That graph only shows what the government is willing to admit was spent. And who got all that money? Only the tip of the iceberg compared to the profits.
Nothing is going to change until there is a fundamental change in the hearts and minds of the people.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
LOL The moderators don't care about the rules, otherwise u-buck would have been banned a long time ago for exploiting pictures of small children like some sort of pedophile. I don't care if you're smoking crack, I don't call the cops.

tell me more!