Drug War: The Numbers Don't Lie!!!


Active Member
$1,673.45 that is spent by our government each and every second of every day on the failed war against drugs, this years federal budget is 22.074 billion, thats BILLIONS, now compare that to the 18 billion that was spent on NASA. Thats right NASA with a 4 billion dollar smaller budget, that pays for every scientist, research project, petri dish, shuttle launch, fuel, satellite, THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE, the hopes and dreams of a hundred million children across the world, kids that stare bright eyed into the stars, children who are our future, your children, can you put a price tag on hope? Well our government has and they put it at right around 4 billion less than the need to imprison three quarters of a million of our fellow citizens for possession of pot A NON VIOLENT CRIME, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of other arrests for non violent drug offenses, so you tell me what did we get with our 18 billion we gave to NASA and education? What kind of impact do you think that had on our youth? You compare that to the over 22 billion we spent on just the federal portion of the war on drugs, and what kind of a dent did we make this year? Oh thats right drug use is stagnant the amount of people addicted to drugs is the sam as it was in 1913 the first year an estimate was made so from 1913 until the 70's roughly 60 years drug use stayed about the same, then in the 70's we declare war on drugs and start a forty year miserable failure a money pit thats cost over 50% more than the NASA budget for the same four decades, man on the moon, tens of thousands of scientific breakthroughs, the hopes and dreams of children, you weigh that against every botched drug raid that left a child dead or an innocent person victimized, or caused the unemployment of a fellow citizen, you weigh that and tell me where our money is better spent, on education or more cops?