Dry ice


Well-Known Member
does anyone know how to make it with a co2 bottle. A big welding bottle not a paintball one. Every vid I have seen involves small bottles or fire extinguisher.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know how to make it with a co2 bottle. A big welding bottle not a paintball one. Every vid I have seen involves small bottles or fire extinguisher.
your lucky i am a geek

if u are going to do this i am telling u to go to home depot or lowes or any hardware.....u want to buy a set of gloves (leather gloves coated with rubber....not cloth)
wear those and a long sleeve shirt use rubber bands on the cuffs to make sure no skin is exposed that anything could make contact .........dry ice will freeze/burn a pit into the skin takes months to heal and if bad enough to need doctor 2 choices they can numb u up and cut way the dead meat/skin ...or maggots under the bandages for a few days

if u want blocks of ice u need to make a press form add the chips and chunks to it then compress it keep it cold and repeat untill as thick as u want (wood forms)