Drying Emergency! Please Help

so i was forced to harvest a few days early, because my landlord is going to be showing my house all weekend to potential renters. Now i'm faced with the problem of not having a place to dry until Sunday. Would it be detrimental to jar them for two days then hang them out to dry. I'm also open to any suggestions you guys may have


Well-Known Member
I would def find a closet that I could use, or even hide it my car trunk open in like a box for only the time they are there. Then back to the house for proper drying. Be careful not to cause mold if you use jars..


Well-Known Member
make a small christmas wreath out of the weed and hang it on the front door...that should dry it up sweet


Active Member
Put it all in paper bags and just take the bags with you somewhere or hide them, but don't let them get too warm. I would say paper grocery bags over jars for now...
yeah i was actually just reading a post about paper bag drying, kinda seems like my best and only option at the moment. thanks a lot for the help guys!


Active Member
def use paper bags. they will work exactly how you need them in this situation. put buds in and just roll the top a couple time so it's closed like a fast food bag when you get it at the drive through. but DO NOT use fast food bags. You want paper grocery bags with little to no ink on them. some say ink imparts bad flavor which I believe and fast food bags are bleached which also is no good. once you put them in the bags (trimmed and manicured first ofcourse!) open atleast a couple times a day to let excess moisture out only put like 3" of bud in the bottom of each bag. when you open the bags give it a couple shakes to "stir" the buds for even drying, once they start to feel good and dry put them in jars in a dark dry place with no lids for a couple days then put lids on, take the lids off a time or two a day for the first week minimum then just leave the lids on for good. Check periodically at this point for mold even a hint of mold dump your jars out on something flat to dry more thoroughly then go back to jar procedure,,,, sounds complicated but its mostly common sense.