Drying out my crop


New Member
Evening everyone,

Currently got some Lemon Haze drying out but I'm still new to the grow life.

Its currently on a rack drying with a heater on 24/7 (oil radiator type) an oscillating fan in the corner and my carbon fan running too.

I'm worried that the weeds starting to go bad tho as I had the fan blowing directly on to the weed for the first night.

They've been drying since Saturday now and just feel crispy but the storks won't snap yet and have lost the smell.

Anything I can do to help it?



Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I put mine in a black garbage bag and seal it

Let it stay sealed two days so it sweats then resume drying and curing


New Member
What about a lemon peel?

I'm off abroad from Monday so I need to sort it asap.

Do I just bag it all up together? Does it look mould damaged

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
It looks like you harvested a bit early
You can bag it all at once for a couple days maybe 4 any longer and it might mold if not opened back up to dry


New Member
Yeah I was worried about that, do want it all to mess up.

Had 5 baby's in there so i don't want to yield nothing and have to throw it all away

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you want the temps to be relatively low, 65-72 is very good. at those temps, you can keep it about 65% RH and not worry about mold.
the faster it dries, the more hay smell you'll have. it comes from chlorophyll breaking down. sugars and carbohydrates are also breaking down, and the more that break down, the smoother it will smoke. it takes a bare minimum of 5 days for that to happen. 7 - 10 is better. 10-12 is even better. don't sorry about the stems so much, just feel the buds. they should feel crispy outside, but still "marshmallowy" inside. that's when you want to cut it off the bigger stems, do any final trimming, and jar it up.
get some small hygrometers, and stick one in each jar. you want them to get down to 63 or so asap, burping several times a day. once you get them down to 63, i go to burping for about 20 minutes once a day. when they drop under 60, i just store them, only get into them when i want something out of them. the longer they sit, the better they get, for at least 4 or 5 months, then you can maintain them for a year or so easily.


New Member
The temps at 65 in my tent now, the buds feel how you say Roger. I was told to put some lemon peel in the tent to help with the smell.

I put a fan straight on the net for a night without realising and it was cold in there. That's why I've got the heater in there now.

If I squeeze the buds a lol they still kind of smell I'm just worried if there mouldy now too.

Is the bud ok touching then if there not fully dry?

Iv took another pic of a bud close up.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
looks ok to me. look up "cannabis botrytis" and look at the pictures. it can be hard to miss in the beginning, but all to easy to see once it gets going.


Well-Known Member
Easy fixed, get one of the big bags that bums use to carry shit around. They are cheap ,hold the buds well and zip up.
Put the dope in one of these bags and zip it up for 3 days , then getthe dope out and resume drying, by then the stem moisture has wicked into the dry buds.
Then when its dry you can store your dope in the zip up bag.
