drying question?!?!?


Active Member
i was forced to harvest an outdoor plant early, so the buds are not dence or thick at all...I had them hanging in front of an AC fan for three days and they seemed dry so i put them in jars tonight, because i did not want them to overdry....I know they are supose to take seven days to dry, but i was wondering due to there small size and fluffyness, is it possible that they are already completly dry and ready for curing???? Like i said, they seem dry, but i do not want to ruin them....Input please....


Active Member
It doesnt HAVE to take seven days... I believe it's somewhat preference. Some people like to wait til the stems snap. Some people like to wait until the buds are crispy on the outside, and the stems bend but do not snap. My last plant dried four days and I think it was OVER dried. I'd say start curing. It definitely wont hurt. Whats your other option? Keep drying them?