Drying Technique Comparison -PICS


Well-Known Member
cant wait for the outcome of this, drying my last grow now 60 deg temps 40 % humidity full trim but still on main stem hanging. Strains Papaya, Bluemystic.


Well-Known Member
Ive always trimmed the buds at harvest then hung to dry. Afterwards they have a grassy smell which i think is from releasing plant fluids due to trimming. It is possible that waiting for the leavs to dry a bit then trimmming would prevent the grassy, chlorophyll smell ,synonomis with trimming at harvest. I just may try that when my afghan and skunk finish.


Well-Known Member
Slightly off-topic but i read in High Times that time of the day when you chop your plants is critical when it comes to the taste and flavour. It's suggested to best cut them at dawn when plant's foods and liquids are in the root zone. I'm gonna give it a try with my current grow.


Active Member
Thats also supposed to help cus THC degrades in light so you might lose a little thru the day. I bet its insignificant amt tho.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Anybody able to say if they come out stankier if you dry with leaves on and then trim?
There really wasn't a significant difference in smell or taste in the buds. They both cured out and smoked great. I have resorted back to trimming off the fan leaves and sugar leaves right away. Seems to make no difference. The true deal breaker is giving enough time to properly dry and cure the bud. Depending on climate, bud density, humidity and many other factors bud can dry in 5 days or 20 days. Same with the cure, many variables go into it as well.
I usually cut off all the leaves thatdont have any crystals right away.after four to six days depending on how dry the area is then I trim off the rest of the leave to sift through and make hash. I think it is easier to trim when dry because the stem usually snaps off easier then when they are wet and I spend less time cleaning my blade. IMO it takes jarring ur weed to bring back maximum smell and flavor but good weed needs less curing then shitty weed to make it better.