Dual Lights


Well-Known Member
I want to have a setup which uses (2) 600s but on want one light to be on for 30min and one light to be off for 30 min in the flower and veg period. Is there a piece of equipment that can do this, or would digital timers be the best method.


Well-Known Member
One light will be on for 30min while the other will be off., and the lights would switch from on/off in 30min time spans. I thought I read somewhere there was something out there that did this.


Well-Known Member
Power bill, I have seen it done other places, and the bulbs will be in a 4x4 area so I do not have to worry about them not getting continuous light. I am manly interested in have two setups like this, but I do not want to run (4) 600s


Well-Known Member
running 2 lights in 30 min spans will b the same exact thing as running one light all the time..... why would u do all that extra work, put out extra money to do the same exact thing as doin it simple with one light in each setup?? this seams very pointless and time wasting to me


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt you just get an electric timer and run one 6 hours then the other 6 hours (or wutever works out to your light scheldule) if u got ur heart set on doin ur setup like this


Well-Known Member
This is more of a matter of coverage then anything else, so running (1) 600 in a 4x4 would not give me the same amount of coverage, this basically like having a light mover, which I can not install so I wanted to do this. But running one for 6hrs and another for 6hrs should work to. I think that subcool does this also, I could be wrong.

Edit: Never mind I rethought things and see that this would not be worth the time unless I was working with bigger dimensions, or a vertical setup.


Well-Known Member
What the OP is talking about is basically the same concept as a light mover - one light @ Position "A" and the other @ Position "B". At first the light comes on "at one end" - then "alternates" after a 1/2 hour, and comes on "at the other end". At least that's the way I enterperate it.

"Multiple light sources" almost always yield better results. I bet you could put up 2 x 250's (both on together) and have better results with only 500 watts!.