Dubya's final "fuck you" to America


New Member
... any one that condones torture ... loots the treasury of America and Iraq ... causes the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousand Iraqi and Afghanistan ... is not a good person
Uhhhh ... didn't you forget about invading villages, cutting off the noses and ears of civilians and blowing up the Trade Center? :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I definitely wouldnt say Bush is a good person...If bush is a good person than I'm a fucking saint


Well-Known Member
I don't think that anyone knows what a conservative is. I do however remember people who proudly called themselves conservative also just loving old Georgie because he "kept the liberals in line" and made sure that "liberals wouldn't get control and put is in the hole" and so on and so forth. It's a little on the shady side to call him liberal now that we see that we don't like his ideals. Calling Bush a liberal is pretty asinine imo.

No matter what you want to call him, the people loved the bastard enough to vote him in twice. It wasn't whining, pinko, commie democats that voted him in, it was meat and potatoes republicans that wanted a meat and potatoes republican in office. We can't put a label on someone when you like them then put another label on them when we don't like them any more. Just like any politician he promised the world and left us holding the bag of shit. He told his voter base just what they wanted to hear "Lower taxes, I'm a moral man who would never get head in the oval office" etc. then when the towers fell and the war machine got going people ate his bullshit up with a spoon. The fact of it is that they guy was/is a jerk off and people were too blinded by their bias to admit/see it and now we're all taking it in the ass. I'm not saying the other guy side is any better, don't get me wrong, but a little bit of objective thinking wouldn't have killed anyone. He's a politician, siphoning life from a system that has flaws and using them for cronyism and agenda, why are we all standing around with the deer in the headlights look?


Well-Known Member
... any one that condones torture ... loots the treasury of America and Iraq ... causes the deaths of thousands of Americans and tens of thousand Iraqi and Afghanistan ... is not a good person:fire: :sleep:
He sees it as protecting America. You see getting high as harmless fun, others see it as destroying your mind and turning you into a meth head.


Well-Known Member
i'm leaving the country if McCain gets elected. not that i completely hate McCain, i'll have just lost all faith in the American Majority or should i say electorate?


Well-Known Member
i'm leaving the country if McCain gets elected. not that i completely hate McCain, i'll have just lost all faith in the American Majority or should i say electorate?
Why I won't be voting.
YouTube - George Carlin - Voting
I am soooooooooooooo glad I got to see this guy about a month before he died, he is one of my biggest inspirations as a writer.

Canada is looking better everyday ehhhhh.


Well-Known Member
He sees it as protecting America. You see getting high as harmless fun, others see it as destroying your mind and turning you into a meth head.
He doesn't see it as protecting America, he sees it as opportunity to do whatever in the hell he has always wanted to do, it just happens to be under the guise of protection and security. The old enemy behind every tree thing has been the back bone of Bush and his ilk for decades, they took the opportunity and made all of it they could possibly do.

Others may see mj use as harmful, and even I have to admit, it isn't totally harmless (granted, I think it is light years less harmless than prohibitionists make it out to be). Likewise, even a lot of people who favor it being illegal know damn good and well that the stuff is nowhere near as destructive as it's made out to be, they just want it illegal because the prohibition of it benefits them.


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh ... didn't you forget about invading villages, cutting off the noses and ears of civilians and blowing up the Trade Center? :bigjoint:

don't have to ... you did ..

He sees it as protecting America. You see getting high as harmless fun, others see it as destroying your mind and turning you into a meth head.
No ... he calls it "protecting America" to get sheep like you to follow along ... now smoking pot has killed no one ... and there is no proof what so ever that it leads to meth ... those are the facts ... the illegitimate bush brought about illegal occupations ... refuses to answer questions concerning 911 under oath ... and we all know the reason for that ... cause the deaths of over a million people ... ... bankurpt the country and pull the same shit his old man did with the S&L sandel ... all under the guise of "protecting America" ... and it's been done before ... and that's a fact ... you think sheeple would wise up by now ... :roll:

He doesn't see it as protecting America, he sees it as opportunity to do whatever in the hell he has always wanted to do, it just happens to be under the guise of protection and security. The old enemy behind every tree thing has been the back bone of Bush and his ilk for decades, they took the opportunity and made all of it they could possibly do.

Others may see mj use as harmful, and even I have to admit, it isn't totally harmless (granted, I think it is light years less harmless than prohibitionists make it out to be). Likewise, even a lot of people who favor it being illegal know damn good and well that the stuff is nowhere near as destructive as it's made out to be, they just want it illegal because the prohibition of it benefits them.
Yepper ... someone that gets it ... :clap:
No matter what you want to call him, the people loved the bastard enough to vote him in twice. It wasn't whining, pinko, commie democats that voted him in, it was meat and potatoes republicans that wanted a meat and potatoes republican in office.
The illegitimate bush was never elected by the people ... it is a proven fact ... :neutral: