Duuude, fuck... 4-20 was like Y2K on my plants

So after smoking a fatty bowl of some Sour Diesel bubble hash this morning, I thought to check on my little ladies only to walk in to an absolute catastrophe... the God Bud is down severely. Super soft, almost velvet-like leaves and all the fan leaves are droopy, and I mean really droopin.
Check it:

I was hoping someone could help me out in pinpointing the problems here. What a sad sad day it has been, but I'm high I don't think it's really going to set it til tomorrow when I come down.
You can check the plant's atmosphere in my journal.


Active Member
what are the growroom temps and humidity?
PH of the feed?
PH runoff?
when did you last water, and how often usually?
They look underwatered too me.
Spot on j-- I took a second set of readings from a few different areas in my container and found the soil was rather dry. I didn't really think it could have been that at the time, being that I had just watered thoroughly 2 days prior, but I just started some lst and with all the new foliage growth I'm assuming the water uptake increased.


Well-Known Member
I had a bubba kush do the same thing if she got to dry but a little water and a couple hours she was fine, Hope everything works out the same for you


Spot on j-- I took a second set of readings from a few different areas in my container and found the soil was rather dry. I didn't really think it could have been that at the time, being that I had just watered thoroughly 2 days prior, but I just started some lst and with all the new foliage growth I'm assuming the water uptake increased.
Thats proper, good to know there back up n running
Any suggestions on what's going on here:

I was thinking just bad genetics, it was a bag seed and from day one it's just been the runt of the group. I was questioning calling it quits for her several times but she just has the funkiest smell already beckoning me to let her grow.

Also a couple of my Blueberry's have been looking a little strange towards the top..
I was thinking it could be due to high temps, but lemme know what you think based on the pics and my room specs


And finally, here's the lone God Bud after the 420 catastrophe:


I had a bubba kush do the same thing if she got to dry but a little water and a couple hours she was fine, Hope everything works out the same for you
Yeahh, unfortunately I freaked and went a little crazy on trimming the drooping foliage so she's not as bushy as she once was. It's all good though, she's just a mom-- I just hate to see her stressed out, hahah

what are the growroom temps and humidity?
PH of the feed?
PH runoff?
when did you last water, and how often usually?
temps during the day: 75F - 85F(ish) it's getting pretty warm in there lately as the outdoor temps rise
night: 75F-63F

35% - 60%RH

Have yet to give full strength nutes, using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and last transplant was about 3 weeks ago, next water they'll receive their first full dose of GH's Nova: Grow. During regular watering though usually around 7 - 7.5, the soil always seems a little low so I compensate with higher PH in the water.

Normally water once ever 4 or 5 days. Just started some bending and I'm getting a lot of new foliage, so they're using a lot more water.