DWC - 5 weeks old - healthy looking leaves drooping

Panta Stoich

New Member
The short version:

I believe I've got a root rot issue and getting some very droopy, but otherwise appears healthy leaves. First noticed brown spots on roots this past Sunday, leaves started drooping on Monday/Tuesday. I've been researching and ruling out the basics since Tuesday (water temp, oxygenation, humidity, light) and I'm at a point where I'm not sure what next to try.

Made the mistake of dismissing the first sign of brown roots for staining and it's been downhill since. It's been 5 days since the first sign of brown roots and just today did I decide to flush the system, clean it and get it back up and running with just plain tap water (120ppm) and some H202 to keep it the rot at bay until I can get it perked back up. It's been about 5 hours since the flush, clean and addition of H202 and it isn't looking any better...though, I'm not sure how long it will take to see some changes.

Fairly certain this was caused by high water temps (sometimes reaching 75-76F) and lack of oxygenation. I've since added (2) 6" stones + (1) small stone on two pumps (totals 390L/hr). Water temps are now under constant control at 64-68F.

Looking for any pointers. First time growing with this type of system and this type of plant.

Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/7Ve7J

The long, thorough version:

The setup:

5gal DWC (6" net pot)
(2) 6" air stones hooked into a 270L/hr pump
(1) small air stone hooked into a 110L/hr pump
(1) 125W CFL 6500K in a shield
Box fan in the upper corner of the closet seems to provide a decent breeze
GH Flora series
Medium: Tap water @ ~150ppm, 3gal

The plant:

Currently ~5 weeks old and has been healthy up to now.


Room temp: 72F
Water temp: I've caught it at around 75F, but have since taken measures to keep it from getting above 70F.
Humidity: This was a problem the last few days as it was hanging around 20% since my house humidify has turned off due to change in season. Room humidifier was started today and it's currently mid-40s.
pH: When I had nutes in it would swing between 5.6-6.1. I check and balance 2-3x day.
PPM: Was at 450ppm (includes tap water of 120ppm) until today, now just tap.
Air circulation: Not bad, not the best. One box fan in an unsealed closest, so it does get regular fresh air from the joining room.

The Problem:

Healthy looking leaves drooping. No burns of any sort.


Germinated and put into rockwool, then straight into the DWC system around the first of March. Last weekend of March I started nutes at 7.5ml/each of GH Flora into the 3gal res. First week of nutes went great, no problems. This past Sunday rolls around, I go to flush and sightly up the Grow nute and I notice some browning of the roots, but I couldn't tell if it was rot or staining from the nutes (didn't smell and didn't feel/look slimy). So, I re-nute, upping Grow to 10ml, add some root care product (voodoo juice - though, I'm not sure that helps my problem any), balanced the pH, took my notes and the next morning they were showing signs of drooping.

Up until this point I was only running the one small air pump and figured I was not oxygenating it enough, so I installed on Tuesday the second larger pump + the 2 larger air stones, now all working in the same bucket. I also flushed the system and went back to 7.5ml of each nute along with raising my light on Wednesday.

Today I flushed again as it looked worse and went with plain tap and 1/2 cup H202 per gallon to keep the rot at bay until I get an idea of what I should do. Been 5 hours since the flush and addition of H202.

Looking back on my notes, I probably shouldn't have upped nutes as the plant wasn't really eating much up from the first round. But it's been 2 days since I brought the nute mixture down and added more aeration and it seems to be getting worse.

Being a first time grower of this type of plant in this type of system has me a bit concerned as I don't really know the next steps in a situation like this. Thoughts?

Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/7Ve7J
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