Dwc Grow Journal


Active Member
so ive decided to start a grow journal for my own records and hopefully to help anyone out there that may be experiencing trouble. i have two rooms, one for veg, mothers and clones, and one for flowering. Ive created a list of the items i use in both rooms.

Strain: Armageddon & two white berry

veg room:
Two 2' flourescent lighting fixtures w/ 2 t5 bulbs in each
one 105 watt cfl
the dual pod dwc system (2 separate res)
one general hydroponics 4 valve air pump
four 8 inch air stones ( 2 in each res)

nutes for this room include:
Gh flora gro
gh flora micro
gh floralicious gro
diamond nector

i started this journal about 3 weeks too late in the veg room so the plants are already growing, i also have a crop in its sixth week of flowering, but more on that later, right now i'll be focusing on the veg room.

(note i always ph my solution to 6.0 to account for fluctuation)

after the roots hit the res water i lower the res level to about a half inch under the net cup, so i can give the roots room to breath, when i start there is approx. 9 to 10 gallons in each res and after i lower to the correct level it then has 6 gallons of water. When the roots hit the water and i lower the level i add 3 tsp of flora gro, this will give them a good jump start without harming them or giving them too much. I then wait a few days to see new growth and any signs of stress, if there is no stress i add 3 tsp of floralicious grow which has all the vitamins and minerals the young plants need. At this point the plants should be moving along nicely and you should be seeing new signs of growth daily. When the water level drops more than an inch below the net cup i refill with 1 gallon of mild nutes ( which is 1 tsp per gallon) of flora gro, micro, and floralicious grow. Then at the end of 2 weeks i change the nutrient solution out with fresh water and nutes, i repeat this every 2 weeks until harvest, it helps keep things clean, prevents lock out, and your plants will thank you also :)

ok lets fast forward a bit, yesterday was the begininng of week 4 in the veg room, last week when i changed the res i added 3 tsp of flora gro, 3 tsp micro, and 3 tsp floralicious grow, i am using less because the plants are young and do not need a whole lot of nutes right now and when i refill through the week i am adding a mild solution to the res so they are constantly getting fresh water and nutes. I dont really keep track of (ppm) until they get into the flowering room because levels are so low they are not harmful to plants, and if your wondering about defficiencies floralicious grow or plus is great for solving those problems because of all the vitamins and minerals in that stuff, its just great for plants.

I will be updating this thread as much as possible so if you have questions or concerns feel free to ask or state your opinion. And last but not least the pics.................................................................................




Active Member
Sorry i havnt posted, been extremely busy, especially with the garden, my flowering room is about to come off next week i flush for two weeks. when i start i over irrigate the system with fresh water only for about 30 minutes then drain everything again, and refill with fresh water and i add 2tsp per gallon of GH flora clean and i'm running that now all week, tomorrow i will drain again and fill with fresh water only and let them run in that for about four days and then i turn the lights out for the last 3 days before harvest. Im also going to be changing the res in my veg room tomorrow and getting them ready for flowering, i will be giving them 1 part gro, micro and bloom which is my version of transition. when growing in hydro a little goes along way. i will be adding pics tomorrow also.


Well-Known Member
Sounds great! I've heard that you can give them even more time for darkness. I've heard of 3 days, 7 days, even 14 days of darkness before harvest:shock: Do some research though before doing that. I wish I could remember where I read that. I've never given them more than 7 days:leaf: