DWC plant problem....Help....



Well this is my first grow and I have 2 sweet tooth in DWC (veg) with some yellowing tips.

Ph is 5.8
cyco nutes
18 hour light
PPM low like less then 500ppm

other 2 plants skunk and some thing I dont know look fine.

I first thought iot was nute burn so I been backing of on the nutes. not helping.

I been reading alot and cant find any thing like this...

Also I use RO water. So I was thinking of putting in cal/mag stuff but I dont want to just put some thing in there that I dont know.
Still growing strong and looking good i think.

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
I don't know Ur food but 500 seems kinda of low on the ppm.It is confusing by ur pictures you have a lot of DARK green leaves and alto of light green leaves.Looks to me like a nitrogen deficiency I think your plants have out grown the 500ppm maybe try upping the food and check the new growth.The 3rd picture really looks like nitrogen def.


Well-Known Member
the first picture looks like a deficiency? I'm not an expert... but here is a guide, there is one with photos I wasn't able to find it....


A lot of people have good success with Cal / Mag why not add it since your using R/O water
Here ya go guys pictures



Active Member
I think you should add cal-mag to your res because you are running R/O water, you probably could up the ppm a little more if you wanted.
Some strains dont like a lot of food, like the Blue Cheese Im growing, some do. kinda depends on what yours like. I think its better to underfeed than overfeed for obvious reasons,so before I upped the nutes, I'd all cal-mag, as I think you need it by default when running R/O water.

Further, I had a smaller issue similar to this, the tips of my leaves were turning yellow, but most pf the new growth was green, and I had a few light green leaves, ON more than one of the six I was growing, first thing I thought was a N def. I added the Cal-Mag and it cleared it right up. I think in addition to adding calcium and magnesium they also help with other Nute Def , ( just going by what I saw on the bottle).