dwc roots going brown, why?


Well-Known Member
cheers flojo, i thought my head was in the right place. yer, im using an air pump rated (HAILEA ACO 9602) 7.2 Litres per minute and i've only got 7 litres of water in my resorvoir. i tempted to start using my dehumidifier water after reading that. room temp is 17C so water temp is just below that, shouldn't be probs with heat, this aint texas. im thinking its the nutes but how do u keep white roots while still using nutes? i may have to buy new nutes and remember to pick up a sealed bottle or use some gaurdian angel or root guard, im already using h202, or otherwise known as oxyplus which hasn't really impressed my so far. on the bright side ive got a seedling grown about 2in since yesterday in coco.
room temp is 17c ya say hmmmm maybe thats the prob a bit chilly in there m8y :roll:


Well-Known Member
sorry cashcow1000, do not waste your time with me. i am a brainless waste of time who has spent 1o years trying to grow and still can't.
one last question for anybody-
i have a dwc, everything simple as, got 1 plant , 6 litre res, using tap water and h2o2 , using 0.2 ec nutes everything should be fine only starting to get browning roots.

do i need to use more nutes as using very little or is it the nutes that is turning the roots brown? cos i think i may have picked up a dodgy bottle of nutes.

stop with the h2o2 and go get som hygrozime treet yer rez and give it a week. u have root rot. ben there before , cryed out for help here and i got the same kinda help u got. good luck.


Active Member
I think anyone with over a 10 IQ can do hydro. The main thing to remember is to adequately oxygenate the water. even water that is 70 or 75 degrees that is properly oxygenated can grow a great crop. The benes will grow faster than the bad stuff in the presence of O2. I have an aquamist that I change the res only 2 times a cycle and never never never have problems with roots and the water is at least 75 but anyway part of the fun of our, "HOBBY" is to learn all the new little nuances of growing. Good luck anyway.


Well-Known Member
dude, my tap water is 350+ ppm and i grow these -

collecting the water from you dehumidifier and boiling it is WAY too much work. those few ppm in the dehumidifier could be toxic due to the collection method of the unit.

use your tap water. let it sit out overnight to evaporate the choline then use it. if the ph is high then adjust it.

you say you used h2o2 and it "didnt do jack"...what did you expect it to do? how did you use it?
my tap water is 350 ppm, nice to know i have a high tap ppm buddy, lol