DWC round 2


Well-Known Member
Alright so this is round 2 of my first grow. I know i said i'd wait till august but i got impatient and decided to do it while there are a couple of good summer months left. It'll be the same exact setup at last time.

here's the link to my first attempt that resulted in dismal failure: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/12807-dwc-northern-lights.html
it's all in the first post. I've decided to go with these guys for seeds instead of nirvana: Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices

this time i've decided to go with WW. they were having a spring sale(i think it's still going on) so the price of ww wasn't that much more than nl so what the hey, i'll go for it.

now my nemesis - germination. as of about 6pm eastern standard time today the process has begun. this time there will be (dy/dx)(C) amount of deviation from standard practice. There's a plate, a bowl, a paper towel saturated (no standing water) with RO water. All of that is sitting in my closet which is at about 80F(26.6C). my fingers are crossed.


Well-Known Member
All right i have some good news. this morning when i check the seeds all 4 of them popped. they all had grown an outrageously long root. they're all planted in rockwool and have started day 1 of veg under 18/6 lights.


Well-Known Member
I have good news to report. All but 1 of them have sprouted out of the rockwool and 1 has discarded the shell of the seed.


Well-Known Member
veg day 2

I'm not sure how many people actually do this(and i'm guessing not many) but i've decided to name my babies. As requested pix are here.

group shot:





Chloe was the one that didn't pop yesterday but she is coming out albeit at a very odd angle. I hope she's ok. I may have to add more styrofoam to the underside because it's not as buoyant as I thought it would be.

does any one have a good method of temp control? especially in small confined spaces. i have 2 small fans on the inside circulating the air and a 3rd much bigger one blowing out trying to get some of the hot air out of there but it's still on average 10 degrees hotter than then the room's temp.
which means when it gets hotter than 80F I'm forced to turn on the AC.

That's all for now.


Well-Known Member
well there's not much to report right now other than Chloe seems to be struggling. the other three are looking healthy. Chloe is lagging behind in growth and is slightly yellowing on leaves. I doubt it's nute burn or deficiency since they're all drinking from the same reservoir and those sort of problems should/would effect all of them. well that's all for today.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 Veg

I took some pix to show you what i meant. Nyx and Midna both look similar to Yuffie but Yuffie's picture came out the best. So that's why i'm using it as the comparison



Oh by the way i may have a solution to my temp problem but i won't be able to test my theory until thursday when the package comes.


Well-Known Member
I got some updates for you today. Chloe looks like she's recovering i'm not sure what went wrong or if she'll fully bounce back but she's getting bigger and her leaves are looking healthier. I do have some tragic news. at some point yesterday i crushed Yuffie. i don't know when or how but when i checked up on her this morning she was flattened against the hydroton with her leaves facing up. she's propped up right now but i don't know if she'll make it.

Midna and Nyx are both looking good. they're not growing new leaves they're just getting bigger, like they just don't want grow up. but hey, who am i to say they can't be kids forever:peace:


Well-Known Member

i figured out what was wrong with chloe....sort of. i'm not sure why but for whatever reason the floating platform was/is being depressed on Yuffie's side so chloe(who is on the opposite corner) was slightly above the water. her roots were not submerged enough in the water. SOLUTION:i put a weight on her corner so her roots would get the water it needs. Thus far she's responded positively, she's smaller than the others but she's bouncing back.

Yuffie also seems to be doing better with her splint. i cant' tell if she can go without it yet but she hasn't wilted and died so that's a good sign.


Well-Known Member
i've got 2 in there. 1 midway between Yuffie and Midna, the other midway between Nyx and Chloe. i'll get pix of the girls when i can find the camera.


Elite Rolling Society
I've just about reached the point that I think OXYGEN Is one of the MOST IMPORTANT Factors in RAPID GROWTH and in Yield. The more Air Stones I add, or the bigger they are, the faster the plants grow.
I saw a poster here last week, doing a DWC with two one inch long little blue bubble stones in an 8 gallon tank, and he was getting root rot!
In my 8 gallon tank, I have a 4 inch ROUND airstone and two 14 inch long airstones and I am going to add more, next grow.
Kindprincess evidently has learned the same thing.


Well-Known Member
the camera has been found and pix have been taken.



Yuffie with her splint:


they're all looking happy. Chloe looks like she's recovering nice and I'm gonna leave the splint on yuffie for a couple more days.


Well-Known Member
It looks like yuffie might make it. Im not to big on germinating straight from rockwool, but it looks like it worked out for you. Did you say you were using nutes. Might want to cut those out for a while. Lookin good.


Well-Known Member
I didn't feel like beggin the roomie to borrow his camera today so no pix. they are starting to grow a ton of new leaves though. i'm gonna change the res water today. other than that they're all lookin pretty good. Nyx did start to lean a lot so i put a brace on her. i think it's due to the fact that one of the fans is sitting right next to her so i'm gonna shift them around.



Well-Known Member
It's been a while since my last update and even longer than since my last pictures. i wanted to say that the change has been slow(it just seemed like that because i can't help but check it every couple of minutes) but looking back that the pix from 4 days ago my babies have more or less exploded.

so like i promised here are le pix.

Yuffie(the healthiest looking):



Chloe(the runt):

as you can see they have a deep shade of green, really wide leaves and are staying really low to the ground. The only thing that seems to be of some concern is that the bottom leaves are not as healthy looking. It's hard to see in most of the pix except Chloe's. The bottom leaves are all really dark and slightly shriveled. Other than that it's all good. so i'm excited about that. What can i say? i spoil my girls.:peace:


Well-Known Member
it seems like they're just gettin' wider and wider and wider every time i look. eventually they're gonna have to grow up(i mean vertical and not maturity...although they will have to do both).


Well-Known Member
well i'm not complaining it just that i'm worried they're gonna eventually explode upwards and then it might be a problem.