Dxm From Robitussin Gel caps


Well-Known Member
Ok i got 3 bottles of robotussin gels. I dont want to eat so much pills. I found way how to extract dxm from pills but in this tek i ended with some red-brown liquid.Now i have left 2 bottles, and i wondering can i extract it from pills as powder to fill it all in one pill???


Active Member
should have gotten the 40% dxm bottle... drank half the bottle my buddy drank the other half ohhhhhh haaaaaaa we were robo trippn like motherfuckers had me doing the most rediculous robo walking just to get from room to room took 5 mins rediculous!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey Balzac89 whats your problem?? And i am not 13.

In first extraction i ended with liquid thats consuming capsules.
And does any one know how to extract it to powder.


Well-Known Member
OK guys thanks i find how to do it by my own, EROWID helped me again and +rep to you who try to help


Active Member
how come you are extracting it? that can be dangerous, you never know what other shit you're extracting. or if what your extracting it with can be dangerous. just buy something where the ONLY active ingrediant is dextromethorphan hydrobromide. robotussin maximum strength works. shit tastes nasty but safer than extracting. remember, the ONLY active ingredient needs to be DXM. otherwise you can get sick and/or die


Active Member
I agree with you Swag, and skiweeds there is only dxm in gel caps so its not danger
depends what kind of robotussin gels. you want to make sure it is the robotussin dm coughgels http://www.robitussin.ca/cough/cough3.asp cough and cold or cough, cold, and flu will make you very sick.

i know this doesnt answer the question but why not just eat the gel caps without any kind of extraction? there is no tylenol, guaifenesin, or other bullshit in it. im assuming the point of extraction is to get passed the taste. but if you just swallow the gel caps has no taste so why waste time extracting?


Active Member
have you guys ever though of the fact that an extracted version of dxm might
have no nausea. i would consider that a benifit worthy of an extraction.
good point. the one time i took a large dose of dxm it was tussin maximum strength. even though the only active ingredient was dxm, i still felt very nauseous. i would be scared of whats used in the extraction method though. but yes you're right, if done properly, it may very well help lower or eliminate the nausea feeling.


Well-Known Member
Just take Robitussin gel caps,there 15mg per pill ,20 pills a bottle,300mg of dxm per bottle,one serving per bottle

purple stanky

New Member
you are a fucinkg idiot if you are taking 90 pills to get high.
im sorry ive done it before but i have only takin 20 max.


Well-Known Member
For my weight it gets me to where i need to be,so it's not dangerous it just really good high, It depends your weight 15 might be alot for you but not for me.What are you like 40 kgs.You only die if you get some bad dxm with impure substance, max is 2000mg for a dose or 20 mg/kg if you live dangerous. Big dose but you can do it.