Dying Leafs + drooping


Well-Known Member
well basicly im 18days into the grow. have 4plants under 2x400w bulbs
at first they looked real strong standin up all straight leafs.
but past few days they look rather weird
the leafs at top of the plants are all facing upwards and the bottom ones are realy droopy and weak looking.and a fair few bottom leafs are going yellow or hav already dyed
wondering what my problem mayb
this is a pic of 1 of the plants but u cant real see the yellow leafs
NOTe: the place they are growing is realy to hot and im not sure hw to keep it little cooler and giv them fresh air


Well-Known Member
get a small oscillating fan to strengthen the stems. Water every 3-4 days ONLY! get light close as possible, but you need a fan on 'em now read 'growfaq' at page top for best lighting placement


Well-Known Member
the first few sets of leaves WILL die. this is normal, they just aren't getting enough light, but indoors, you don't need light at base of plants. you should try for a SOG setup or 'scrog' it both these methods can be found on this site, just cruise a little...


Well-Known Member
How hot is it in there bro? They will do this when they start to get too hot. Watch the ends of the leaves for burns.

They also do this when they are happy, but maybe not that much. I say watch them real closely and check the temps. Like faralos said, if you got some fans, get them in there ASAP.


Well-Known Member
thanx for all the answers :) currently we have a small fan and a fan+filter goin up to a airhole which leads outside.

it was realy hot b4 BUT since i put a couple buckets of water in it seems that bit cooler.

feed every 3-4days ? so im most likely over watering them right now as i feed them after lights turn off and before the lights come back on.
cycle is a 18/6.
so should i realy refrain from feeding twice a day?


Well-Known Member
I feed with every watering. I water every 5 to 6 days, depending on how dry the soil is.

Mine are in 3.5 gallon pots and get half a gallon to a full gallon of water.

You will want to try and keep your temps at 78-82. 78 being ideal but a little higher won't be bad. Do you have a gauge in there?


Well-Known Member
I feed with every watering. I water every 5 to 6 days, depending on how dry the soil is.

Mine are in 3.5 gallon pots and get half a gallon to a full gallon of water.

You will want to try and keep your temps at 78-82. 78 being ideal but a little higher won't be bad. Do you have a gauge in there?

i have no gauge or meens of checking the temp or humidity.
will any temperature guage do? or does it need to be special.
btw isit 78-82 Farinite


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm sorry...that's Fahrenheit..

If you are in the states, get one at Walmart. I believe mine cost me like 6 bucks and it gives you all kinds of readings.

What will it do?

It tells you the current RH
It tells you the current Temp in C or F

It also has a feature that lets you know the high and low RH/Temp for the day.