Early Harvest! 52 days, 12" tall..


So when I started, I setup conditions for a pseudo-controlled experiment at the start of flower. I had two mystery plants vegging from seed for 60 days, 1 sativa dom and 1 indica dom. I vegged clones from each for 21 days, and flipped them all to 12/12 at the same time. The idea is to monitor both maturation time, and production - ie who finished first, and who produces the highest weight to veg. ratio. If I had to guess, I'm thinking the sweet spot is 30-45 days before I need bigger lights for bigger plants. Next flower rotation will see some 30 day veg, and some 45 day veg. clones. I'll be tracking harvest weights before and after drying from all as well as height, veg time, etc.

On the more current front, I have good news to report - the indica dom clone has (for the most part) finished ahead of schedule by quite a bit. We're at 52 days, I'm seeing maybe 1 in 20 amber trichs, the rest are maybe 30/70 clear/cloudy. The mother however is nowhere near this stage, new pistils form every night, covered in white hairs, and nearly 100% clear trichs. Chopped the top 3 buds (yes, a 3 way split) and will leave the lower buds to finish..

The top 3 buds of the small indica clone produced nearly 10g each (from a 10" plant) after trim. They are dense and pungent. Will be monitoring weight loss daily while drying to try to get an idea of chop/dried wt. ratios. I'll be leaving the lower buds to finish, as they like the mother are still exhibiting signs of vigorous growth. All the colas on all 3 plants are becoming so heavy the stalks are having a harder and harder time supporting them.

Also made a few changes to the tent layout, added a few cfl's to fill spectrum and fill in some of the lower foliage, moved the fans/ducts around and re-wired.

Nugs: Lemon or grapefruit - I cannot decide.. They just smell phenomenal. Got a few big stripey seeds so far, looking forward to seeing what sprouts!

10g each:

They came from the little guy front and center - 12", 21 days in veg under 160W CFL, 52 days @600W HPS. Still a few lower buds shooting out pistils.

Perfect temps.


Well-Known Member
Ha that little plant is cute lol wait is that before or after you cut off the top 3 buds? Cuz it looks like all that's there is 3 small fat buds


Ha that little plant is cute lol wait is that before or after you cut off the top 3 buds? Cuz it looks like all that's there is 3 small fat buds
After. The mother of the one in the center is the big plant rear left. The one on the right is the mother of the two taller clones flanking either side.

If you zoom you can make out the top of the stalk. 3 more buds of similar size on the next node down.. I'm thinking of mainlining some big girls, but then doing some little guys in a cluster to see who out produces who.. 2 big 40"+ mainlines vs. 4 small 12"-18" plants..