Early harvest! Stolen..


Well-Known Member
Man I hate rippers. Threads like this popping up daily now. Sorry to hear about your loss man.


Well-Known Member
Fucking assholes steal premature buds that wont even get them high...wow........PS...NICE purple...what strain?


New Member
yup this past week herd of 2 stolen crops people guard your outdoor its that time of year

PS: why n the fck would someone steel plants that aren;t even ready is beyond me ???


Well-Known Member
Someone broke into my back yard and stole 5 of my plants.. All I have left is this baby....
that fucking sux ass bro!!!!!! i can see in the 4th pic or so that someone just ripped them plants in a haste..... im surprised they left you anything though.... did you maybe brag to some people about your plants? how did they know to go to your yard?


Active Member
:wall: In todays world if dead bets, if you don't GIVE them what want they take it or take you down to cover their ass. Sorry , lots of hard work gone and they were your girls. Pay back is a Bitch. But now you play by their rules if you know who the ass is. :fire:


Active Member
bro it was one of your mates think about it would a stranger ripp of a house but leave the big ass flash as fuck tv? no theyd take tht shit first and if it were a stranger they wouldnt have left you with a plant they obviously felt guilty about it . FUKIN WANKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate those fake cunts pretending to be friends for what ya got ae, hope u recover from your terrible loos soon man keep going at it possibly in a different spot though


Active Member
I'm only worried about the kids around me, thankfully I got lucky when planting, and I selected an area where you have to get through tons of poison ivy, and turns out I'm not reactive to it. I had no idea when planting, but the only "safe" way is down this massive steep hill. Thankfully my trail is covered by this guy who keeps dumping trimmings from trees and his lawn mower down the hillside so they cover my tracks. Just recently 2-3 weeks ago I found out about the massive amount of poison ivy so I've changed my trail through there. Tons and tons of the stuff, + you gotta crawl through tons of grape vines.
I got 16 days left. pray to god I make it

I hope no one has found em yet, if they do they are separated so they'll only score one, and the only way you can see them is if you know they are there, I've missed them in the past thinking they were part of regular growth.


Active Member
Yep yep, I now take this really over grown atv trail (covered in PI) then take some random path towards my plants to leave 0 trail which is just a field of PI

If they want some of my bud, there gonna pay for it the hard way


Best solution to backyard grow, guard dogs. I have two that wont let anyone hop the fence, and you get a new companion!