Early harvest


Well-Known Member
it takes 8 weeks for most strains to flower. youd be better off just buying a bag of some dirt weed instead of trying to grow some shit that will be in flower for only 9 days. you could veg your plants until you have to move out, then move them in some sort of box or container, if thats too sketch you gotta wait till you get situated in a new place.

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
It broke when he "accidentally fell on it with the scissors" LOL
just kiddin, that bites - but at least you can sample some now!!!


Well-Known Member
i wish i could sample some, yesterday was the last day i could smoke before getting clean again for probation. ill just have to wait until next month.


Well-Known Member
well I have no will and took a couple bong hits, not too harsh. Got me pretty high though. Had a real loopy drive to work

too trick

Well-Known Member
fuck off you dumb shit. i know shit happens idiot. why you thought anyone was crying about it i dont know. fucking assholes trying to drop in with their 2 cents leaving posts that makes them look like jackasses.

choke on a dick
LMFAO .............