Early harvesting


Active Member

Im going to grow outdoors this year, I have started my seeds early (under a bed) and i am growing them off one cfl and a tube.... I know its not enough.

In august some of my frends are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary and they are going to have some weed. My question is, 'is there any way i can get some of my pot ready for then, without having high wattage lighting?'
The maximum height available indoors is about 3ft.

Any ideas?

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
pic up a 4 pack of daylight and soft white cfls indica flowering is usally 2 months sativa can be 4 months you can start flowering in 2 weeks into veg and in flowering a plant can triple its size so i recommend flowering at 8 inches for you.... hope this helps


Active Member
pic up a 4 pack of daylight and soft white cfls indica flowering is usally 2 months sativa can be 4 months you can start flowering in 2 weeks into veg and in flowering a plant can triple its size so i recommend flowering at 8 inches for you.... hope this helps
Thanks its a greate help, i will use my white rhino plants then, as they should be smaller