early problem, wiliting yellow leaves


Active Member
in week 2 of growth, using biobizz pre soil mix ( which says it has slow releasing fertilizer in it but the first problem was definately nute deficiency ) and its growing indoor.

right at first the problem was tht the leaves on the plants were wilting and goin a little yellow, and the growth had stunted, so i read up on it and basically found out tht it was most likely due to nute deficiencies, so we started giving the plants slightly more nutes, which did help, the plants growth isnt stunted anymore, but some of the leaves tht grow in are going slightly yellow, no i dno if this is jst the aftermath of the nute deficiency and this problem can or will eventually fade or if a whole new problem has been created.

i kno it may be a little hard to diagnose but any advice or comments will definately be seen as helpful.



Active Member
sounds like you need a more complete fertilizer. yellowing so early can normally only be ph too high, and not enough N (nitrogen)
if your plant look like its getting burned or nute def from that soil think about using another one thats ph ready.you did say it has a slow release.you dont want to add nute for like the first month or so just water.