Early Secondary Growth Starting?


Active Member
So it's day 30 in my grow. (That's including when I started to germinate the seed)

I noticed today that it's getting secondary growth already even though it only has three sets of nodes, and is very short.

Is this normal?

Here's some pics.


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
yes its normal, those are your fruiting sites (bud)

btw timelines are based on germinating, so base your timeline by the day they sprout and put under light.


Active Member
Oh :)

Well in that case i'm only on day 23 :D

In this picture, the bottom site, that is beside the plants first false leaves, used to have nodes there too but I removed them because the leaves it had died.


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
thats normal, the bottom leaves fall off anyways. also let the leaves fall off on theyre own, or tug them lightly and they will come off if theyre ready


Active Member
Wow I didn't know they fell off by themselves either. I thought I had a nutrient problem going on... But was puzzled as to why it was the first set of leaves only...

Thanks :)

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
Wow I didn't know they fell off by themselves either. I thought I had a nutrient problem going on... But was puzzled as to why it was the first set of leaves only...

Thanks :)
if you had a nutrient problem, it would have been too early for nutes, 2 weeks from sprout, a very mild solution, in balanced water


Well-Known Member
ya man i got some cheap fertilizer for veging a 20-20-20 mixtures. cost me 13 flat for a ph tester kit and a 1.1 pounds of the fertilzer. you could probable order it online here is the store i went to's website. www.quickgrow.com it was jungle green i got a pic on my grow


Active Member
Yeah, I thought it was the soil I was using.

I'm using Miracle Grow 0.17 0.17 0.17 time release stuff.

But since the rest of the plant looked a bit pale, I gave it a tsp of nutrients in 2 L of water (of course I didn't give it all the water, I just used the 2 L to measure ratio)

Since then it's greened up more than it was.

EDIT: Thanks for the link, I'll check it out :)


Well-Known Member
No problem man. im using miracle grow myself. its .17 or whatever yours was-close to it anyway and ive not really had to many problems with the dirt. ive got some brown spots and yellowing but its been goin away since the fert. and transplanting it. im goin to get a spray bottle and hopefully get some of that shiny wrapping paper from the dollar store because its got mylar on the back of it. -do you got a fish air bubbler by chance??? have a bucket with it goin in it with tap water left out so the chlorine evaporates and you got yourself upgraded water great for watering and misting with---they love getting misted with it its like a cheaper version of Co2-but also not as effective.


Active Member
I'm using tap water also, I let it sit for at minimum two days.

Then I add my nutes, and water the plant. Then dump the rest of the water out and refill and let sit for two days.

I don't want anything funky growing in my water that I feed my plant.

I was thinking about getting a fish bubbler but I have no cash at the moment, so all I do is put the lid on the bottle and shake it a lot before watering.