Earth Juice and pH


Well-Known Member
So I've researched this topic to death and still can't get a real good answer. I'm using the complete EJ line (Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, Big Bloomin Guano, Meta-K, Microblast). Growing in FF Ocean Forest with dolomite lime in 3 gallon pots (2 TBSP lime per gallon.. 6 TBSP total). I mixed up the FFOF and lime about 2 weeks before I transplanted into it and watered a few times so the lime could start doing whatever it does with the soil. Plants have been transplanted into the soil mix for 2-3 weeks now and they're looking great.

I was about to give their first light feeding today. Mixed up all the nutes and bubbled in a 5 gallon bucket with airstone for 24 hours and the pH is still WAY low (around 4.5).. I've read that the soil, lime, and microbes take care of the pH so there's no reason to use pH up (organic Up from EJ), but I'm terrified of watering them with a mixture that has a pH that low. Should I let it bubble another 24 hours? What is the absolute lowest pH mixture I should introduce into my medium? I was gonna go ahead and water them anyway, but they're so pretty that I don't want anything screwing them up. This is my first time growing organic and all help is greatly appreciated.


I've used Earth Juice and I can assure you that the pH should be fine, and you did what you should have by adding 2 tbsp/gallon dolomite lime. I used to routinely just mix it and use, without aerating, as well.

When you do aerate it, it will usually take 36 hours or even a tad longer for the pH to reach above 6. It doesn't really have to be though, a day is fine if that is all the time you have.