Earwigs Eating Plants


Well-Known Member
i have two seedlings growing in 16oz dixie cups and I came outside late at night to check on them and i see earwigs in the soil I also see that one of the codyelons had been chewed up really bad. Doe s anyone know a good way that I can stop this?


Well-Known Member
i have two seedlings growing in 16oz dixie cups and I came outside late at night to check on them and i see earwigs in the soil I also see that one of the codyelons had been chewed up really bad. Doe s anyone know a good way that I can stop this?

get a can of hairspray n a lighter and torch those S O B's
naw Im just playin
ive never had earwig problems before so im not really sure


Well-Known Member
did you use dirt from outside?

if so go to astore get new dirt and carefully transplant.


Well-Known Member
earwigs do not eat plants. they are a beneficial insect. Maybe its another pest but the presence of earwigs is a good thing
Got the same problem: top leaves are getting eaten absolutely alive.

Watered my girls and out come tons of earwigs. There's an organic pesticide soap they sell at Lowe's that I found that kills the bastards on contact and it has potassium salts as the active ingredient, so look for that. Kills spider mites too. We will see if this fixes the problem.

I will let ya know!


Well-Known Member
Was at walmart today and seen some kind of organic pesticide. It said it kill a few different kinds of bugs including earwigs and spidermites.. it was only like 4.99