Easy Bud Problems


I am doing the Easy Bud Auto Fem from Royal Queen Seeds.

It's in standard soil.
It's over just 4 weeks old.
Grown under CFL's
I stupidly fed it Miracle Grow All purpose slow release. (Think That is the issue???)

AS you see from the bad quality photos, I had to remove the fake leaves since they were shrivled and brown, Also had to remove the first 2 bottom leaves. You can see the leaf on the right is getting most stress an issues the opposite leaf is now just starting to be affected.

Yesterday I tried to remove most of the miracle grow pellets but I think it's too late, think I have ruined my soil?

Any help and advice appreciated?



Well-Known Member
i have mine in only miracle grow, been working for 4 years, but mine is almost perfect PH, which is hard to find. you may have gotten the wrong kind of Miracle grow (happens alot). but just test and adjust your PH soon and it will be ok if thats the problem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, im not exactly sure, but this isn't the same thing i use, if i were u id pick out as much as i can, and flush the soil, check the ph, and as a last resort, transplant them in fresh soil. so i wouldnt say its too late.
OK I will give it a good flush an try to get more of the pellets out. I really do not want to transplant it since auto's do not respond well to transplants and I think transplanting her would do even more harm than good.
OK so I flushed it about 3 hours ago until I got runoff. I also removed as much of that miracle grow as I could see. Guess I should just leave her alone an see what happens now. I notice the main top bud is starting it's got a few white pistols coming through the top as it should since she is auto.


Well-Known Member
OK so I flushed it about 3 hours ago until I got runoff. I also removed as much of that miracle grow as I could see. Guess I should just leave her alone an see what happens now. I notice the main top bud is starting it's got a few white pistols coming through the top as it should since she is auto.
Great, yeah it will adjust, just a minor setback, i've done similar things. lol
Well, today it does not seem to be getting any worse the full leaf is not yellow still just the same as yesterday maybe a bit more crispy. I should not cut it since if something bad is working on it I do not want it to spread up to the main new growth where a bud is now starting to form rite? Or should I snip the crispy yellow bit off? I do not want to shock her any more if not necessary.