Easy Ryder and White Lavender Grow


Well-Known Member
After a fairly successful first grow, I've decided to make a journal for my second grow. Last time I grew a couple lowryder 2's. This time I'm growing one Easy Ryder. I'm interested to see what differences there are between them. My girl actually just turned two weeks yesterday. My setup so far is pretty much the same as my last grow. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil, and my light is a 4-bulb, 2-foot T5 setup. The main difference this time is that I got a heat mat to keep under the tray that my plant is in. My temps were running a bit chilly last time, but that issue should be fixed now.

I planted the seed in a jiffy pot on Sunday, March 17th and she poked out of the ground on Thursday, March 21....

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And here are a couple of pics taken last night. She looks a little droopy because I think I over-watered her a little bit. Hopefully she'll pull out of it here in a day or two.

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So, welcome to my journal. Comments/questions/feedback is always encouraged. As a welcome gift, here are a couple bud shots from those lowryders I was tellin' you about...

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Peace out bongsmilie

Edit: I forgot to mention, but I'm running my lights on a 20/4 schedule as is recommended for this strain.


Well-Known Member
Wanted to show you all some pics of the girl and also see if I could get someone to help me troubleshoot what's going on with her. The good news is that I was able to confirm today that she is in fact female! The not so good news is that her lower leaves have turned yellow and I don't know why. I thought earlier that I was over-watering her, so I put her in a larger pot and haven't watered her as much. I haven't fed her anything yet, so I feel like I can rule out nute burn. Whatever it is, I hope that we can get her fixed. Any ideas?

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More good news! I want to introduce you to the newest member of the family...my G13 White Lavender just popped up yesterday...

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From here on out I will be including the White Lavender in my updates. This should get fun as this will be my first experience with a non-autoflower strain. I am going to have to use some techniques to try and control her height because from what I can tell this strain is supposed to get pretty tall. Right now I am thinking that I will keep her in a smaller pot and FIM her. Wish me luck, I think I'll need it. Cheers! :leaf:

Edit: I thought I planted my G13 Cheese seed, but on further review I discovered it was actually my White Lavender that I planted (oops).


Well-Known Member
After doing some reading, I believe the problem might be a pH issue. I will check it out when I get home tonight and hopefully it isn't too late. Stay tuned...


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there is a way to change the title of a thread? I'd like to change this one to include "White Lavender" since I will be updating on both grows. Also, the Easy Ryder looks like she is starting to get better... or at least she did this morning anyway. I'll probably put some more pics up tonight, since it is her three week birthday.


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pictures in case anyone is actually reading this. Easy is three weeks old today. She isn't as droopy as she used to be, but those bottom leaves are still yellow. The rest of her seems to be looking pretty good, so hopefully she will be okay. The pics came out kinda blurry today. Sorry for that, but here she is...

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And here's the Lavender...

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It's amazing how much slower the White Lavender grows compared to the autoflower strains that I am used to. Autoflowers are a trip in that you can almost watch the things grow. By that I mean it seems like every time I look at it it has grown a little (or a lot). The Lavender on the other hand doesn't seem like it is growing at all. It's pretty wild. The Lavender is only four days old though, so I guess we'll see how she does. Well that's all I have for this update. Thanks for stopping by. Comments/feedback/questions are always welcome. Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post some more pics today. The Easy Ryder is doing a little better I think. Still just the bottom leaves that are yellow. Enjoy...

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And the White Lavender (Day 5)...


Anyone ever grown White Lavender? I really haven't looked in to it too much yet. It was a freebie seed, and I thought I was growing Cheese this whole time :wall:


Well-Known Member
More pics coming tonight. The girls are looking good. Does anyone have any experience with White Lavender? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info out there about it.


Well-Known Member
Pictures! The ER is looking really good. I was worried she wasn't gonna pull through, but I think she's in the clear now. The WL is growing really sloooooooow, but she's looking good so far. I guess she'll be a week old tomorrow. Comments/feedback always welcome. Still looking for any info on the White Lavender strain from G13.

Easy Ryder...

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White Lavender...

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Well-Known Member
Well, good news! The Easy Ryder is looking better and better each day. Her lower leaves are almost completely green again...


Very stoked about that! She's growing a little more each day....

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And the ever so slow growing White Lavender...


As promised, the super special bonus material...


My jalapenos finally sprouted! Man it took them like two weeks. I had almost given up all hope. As you can see, I accidentally dropped two seeds in one of the holes. Oops! I pulled one of them out and put it in a new home. Hopefully it will take. Thanks for stopping in. Feedback always welcome. Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looking nice man.. In the end was it a ph problem with the bottom leaves?
Hey Johnny, thanks for stopping in man. Yeah, I think it was a pH problem. I was using tap water, which mine has high pH. I switched to using distilled water and that seemed to fix the problem. I might have also been watering a little too much, so it was probably a combination of both.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update to show off my girls. Still haven't given them any nutes, and they look to be doing just fine so far. I might not give the Easy Ryder any at all. We'll see. She might want some here in a week or two. Enjoy...

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Oh, I almost forgot the biggest news of the Day! I ordered a new tent today, so now I can have one for veg and one for flower. I haven't decided what kind of light I'm going to get for it. The T5's have worked pretty good for me so far, and I like not having the whole heat issue to worry about with them. Would an HID light really make a whole lot of difference compared to T5's? I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with both.


Well-Known Member
What's up dudes. Starting to wonder if anyone is actually reading this thing, lol. I decided to get a 2-foot, 8-bulb T5 for my second tent. Mainly cause I haven't had any issues with my current setup yet. That and nobody was here to talk me out of it!!! Well anyways, here are a couple pics. I have a feeling the Easy Ryder has a pretty big growth spurt in her near future.

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Well-Known Member
Yo budlvr! Im reading and stoppin in time to time.. Just that im new to growing, so I dont wanna give any wrong advice!
Hey Johnny, glad to have you with me man! I'm a new grower too, so it's all good man. Sure is an addictive hobby. What kinda girls you got going? Any pics of your babies you feel like sharing?


Well-Known Member
I know this picture is not the greatest, but can anyone give me an idea what the heck is causing this...


I just noticed it this evening. Lights too close maybe?


Well-Known Member
Got my new tent set up....

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Also got my new light! Just need to go get some miscellaneous supplies from the home depot and I'll be in business! Unfortunately I won't be able to make it until probably Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update to show off the girls. The Easy Ryder turned five weeks old yesterday, so I guess she's a little more than halfway to the finish line. She measured 10" tonight! The White Lavender is starting to look pretty good. Take a look...

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