Easy Ryder ( Auto Ak47 x LowrRyder#2 fem) hydro/waterfarm


Active Member
Racer if u were here u could see it so much better.....she is flowering like crazy.....
nice pix m8.. looking good.. i always love it when all of the pistols start popping out all over the place.. gets me super excited as i know what's coming next, lol.. just think where every you see all of those pistols is gonna be a nice nug.. sweet baby mary jane..


bud bootlegger
Racer post all the fuked up shit or regular shit u want brother, ur always welcome here........ No bad to be had........
lol... i've been posting all kinds of crazy shit in all sorts of threads lately real.. i just thought that someone else had said something and quoted the wrong person, lol.. then i put a pix of my cat in her box on fb and i wrote under it... what is it about boxes that titties find irrestable... lmao.. titties, not kitties.. i do think that was my phone's predictive text though..


Active Member
ha ha thats funny tittie's not kittie's......y not kitties, every one loves pussy...lmao
lol... i've been posting all kinds of crazy shit in all sorts of threads lately real.. i just thought that someone else had said something and quoted the wrong person, lol.. then i put a pix of my cat in her box on fb and i wrote under it... what is it about boxes that titties find irrestable... lmao.. titties, not kitties.. i do think that was my phone's predictive text though..


Active Member
So shall i photo update today or not? someone else decide for me. as it is sunday and res change day....shall I post, so whut say u??????


Active Member
Hello there friend hows it goin?????? very well I am doing res change around 4pm today normally do it saturday night.......illl take some now cause I have to look tooo, I love it she changes every day.....more and more till I have nugets, from whut I can see on her we have well crossed 1/8th territory prolly one to 1/4 or even half...speaking of which I have to go get a 1/2 really soon and some top off water just incase....I use 3 liter containers for my water, and I use 2 1/2 maybe 2 1/4 to fill with...........still have a 1/4 left for toping off but not this week she is low and I just got my new spring water last night.....this shit is so nice it is 6.0 ph and 18ppm FROM THE GROUND awsome-er it local and free......almost seems like I beat RO or Distilled (even though didnt.) so yeah pix time (gonna take em now before the light goes out till 3pm and wont be back on till 7pm (4 hrs dark auto lighting time)


Active Member
there r bud sites every where and I have a hard time getting good pix of them with the light on...she is just growin like crazy, I cant believe today is day 42... 23ish more days to go..... I really dont even care whut I get weight wise this was a better learning experience for me, now that I know how to operate my waterfarm I can go on to bigger and better things.....thanx for all the help out there...I'll post the good pix later on with the light off, like an hour or so..gotta go get a bag here in like 20mins..Also i'de like to know y she gets all sad looking before the light goes out every day????n e one know y this is happening?????she isnt sick or hurt or w/e I was just wondering y as I always do.....I count 11 bud sites on pic #2..........Enjoy........
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Well-Known Member
Hey real, just realised that I wasn't following your grow hehe :) Are you growing only this one under HPS ? she looks really big, did you measure her ? looking awesome bro! ;)


Active Member
Thanx Lince...... yeah she is the only one for now, next grow indoor will be 2 fem DNA Gen Sour Cream............out door is gonna be dank as hell too...no I was thinkin I should measure her she is hugh for her age and bein and LR2 x, so measurements r in order I have to wash up the light just came back on...........Ill post pix again today here shortly, res change here shortly..........


bud bootlegger
how on earth did you get such nice shots with the hps on?? i usually always get that crappy wave effect when ever i try to take pix when i have mine on..


Active Member
Nikon bro...simply the best...the more fun part is that its only a cool pix..... so here r the good shot outta the closet. I had a few leaves preventing bud site from getting light and I know that I shouldnt of cut them but they were massive and preventing the proper light from reaching the buds...sorry if I was wrong, and my ph is way high now that I res changed... Ihad to res change early I had a ppm of 82........
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