Easy Soil Preparation, Maybe?


Active Member
When you grow in soil and use non organic ferts you pretty much destroy all the benes' in the dirt. The dirt becomes just a vessel to uphold the plant and neutralize ph. You are no longer getting anything from the dirt but the plants are living through the ferts. Why then all the extra prep work with the dirt. Just add perlite or something similar for drainage. Then add lime for buffering. The site should be ready to grow. I know some people grow organic this is obviously not. This is just a theory I am putting out there. It would save alot of work and money. We all need to save money. Give me some of your ideas or thoughts on this.


Active Member
Come on Riu I know somebody has some thoughts about it. If you dont take some tokes and you will be full of thoughts. LOl:weed:


Active Member
Yeah it seems people love my avatar. Yeah she does have a big ass. Wish it was mine


Well-Known Member
Roo... If no soil prep is your goal, dig a whole (let the earth be a pot), fill with a mix of rockwool (1/2 absorbant, 1/2 water repelling). You've just created a earth pot, containing a water/food sponge. Will it work, sure. But you'll have to come every week & feed the sponge or else Mary's going to fade.
Dig that same hole, add compost, manure (bat guano, or rabbit manure & or worm castings), add some perlite, plant her and forget it. She's going to grow wheter you feed her or not. Because, the soil food web would do the work for you. Sure, if you drop in and feed her & water her a little more than nature, of course she will grow bigger.
So, why all the fuss. Simple, do the work now or do it later. Me personally, I prep my planting holes way ahead of time, transplant when the weather is right and have to do very little afterwards. Some plots, I don't even visit until harvest.
When I say - Keep it Real...Organic....
I'm really just saying - Keep it Simple....no need to reinvent the wheel....

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Roo... If no soil prep is your goal, dig a whole (let the earth be a pot), fill with a mix of rockwool (1/2 absorbant, 1/2 water repelling). You've just created a earth pot, containing a water/food sponge. Will it work, sure. But you'll have to come every week & feed the sponge or else Mary's going to fade.
Dig that same hole, add compost, manure (bat guano, or rabbit manure & or worm castings), add some perlite, plant her and forget it. She's going to grow wheter you feed her or not. Because, the soil food web would do the work for you. Sure, if you drop in and feed her & water her a little more than nature, of course she will grow bigger.
So, why all the fuss. Simple, do the work now or do it later. Me personally, I prep my planting holes way ahead of time, transplant when the weather is right and have to do very little afterwards. Some plots, I don't even visit until harvest.
When I say - Keep it Real...Organic....
I'm really just saying - Keep it Simple....no need to reinvent the wheel....
the only thing I can add to this is.....well said!