ebb and flow questions


Active Member
Hey guys, Got a few questions about the Ebb and Flow Systems, I am used to using dwc aeroponic grows with the roots hanging and never have quite understood how the ebb and flows work with the big reservoir, anyone out there think they could break it down for me? I dont understand how water gets from the big reservoir to all the plants and how that water gets drained. Thanks alot guys any help is truly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
The Ebb'N'Flow system is based around your water pump. This means that as long as the pump is supplied power, it will continuously pump water at a constant rate until it is turned off. The pump rests at the bottom of your reservoir. The water your pump supplies goes UP a tube to your "flood" tray; where, you guessed it, the water floods the tray. To set the water level, where your makeshift flood reaches its maximum, set your drainage hose at exactly that level.

Most ebb-n-flow systems come with little pipes you can connect to easily change your water level as your plants get bigger. If you're building a DIY ebb-n-flow (which is pretty easy), you may want to consider buying the inexpensive little drainage pipes at your local hydro store.

Your drainage pipe/hose then releases all the water that goes above your water level back into your reservoir where it can be mixed and pumped back into your flood tray.

I feel that I made this a little more complicated than I should have, but I hope it helps. Be sure to water at most 3 times a day for rokwool (depending on how much water your plants will use before you water again), and at least 3 times a day for hydroton, unless your humidity levels are extremely high.

peace out,
cogogrow :peace: