
The Happy Camper

Active Member
I did e the other night for the first time. 9/16. and on the 22nd i wanna do it again? All im worried about it perma fuckn up my brain so would i be fine to do it again? i only really noticed side effects for the following 2 days but now theyre gone mostly. I dont plan on abusing it, just tryn it again.....once more......


Active Member
Dont do it man thats when it all starts going downhill and im speaking from experience (morphine). Trust me just stick with some nice reefer :)


Well-Known Member
Famous last words...."just once more", hahaha. You'll be fine unless you have an addictive personality...remember and drink lots of water and try not to drink alcohol...deyhdrates the brain, your brains starts to fry, and then it will start coming out of your ears....

Have fun, if you can get a decent E....whatever happened to White Doves and Snowballs.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Listen to what everyone is telling you.
You will end up drinking gallons of water lol.This shit can really fuck you up.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Man i said the same thing.. Im only gonna do this shit once................. A year goes by and i had done it 1-2 times a week for a year+ straight.. Took a long time to get back to normal man.... Stay away from that shit.. Stick to bud and the occasional acid or mushroom trip..

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah, but is the best..i just yesterday i was in my shed with a mate, listened some good tracks, smoked some good stash, and then boom, my mate gets a call...two other dudes who one of them used to be my best friend back in the day, but who started to use chemical shit and that was it....they called, showed up later in my shed, i realized on the spot those dudes were tripping some shit, fucking amfetamine , eyes so weird, twitching like a freaking junkey, i just sat down again, and lighted up my bong, and then i started to laugh :lol:

so yea mann, stick to bud and some shrooms and maybe some acid as well( yeah, chemical but not something like that other shit :hump:)



Active Member
Ummmm, are you guys trying to say that acid is ok, but eckies aren't?? I don't get it.............
Acid fucking destroy's your brain aswell!

In my opinion Mr Camper, everything is moderation, maybe don't go for more ec just yet, but later on down the road and you'll be all good. And my own personal advice, stay away from coke..........bad, bad stuff. It scares me.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah acid may not be good for you overall but it def something thats alot easier to keep a grasp on then ecstasy... I cant tell you how many friends ive watched completely destroy themselves with ecstasy, it starts with ecstasy, once the magic is gone more often then not it turns into a coke addiction. Sure people abuse acid to but i just think its alot less common..

I mean honestly Greenplease how many people have you met that can really use ecstasty in moderation? Yeah maybe they eventually moderate themselves, but for the most part when people start they use it in excess.. I mean he rolled a week ago and he wants to do it again, it will be the same thing the next week and the week after..


Well-Known Member
Acid and Molly... perfect in moderation,

stay away from the pressed crap, it's filled with shit you don't need...

If ya can't find molly, just don't do it.


Well-Known Member
Never touched E and never will.

There have been many times that Ive been an present while friends of mine were on E, and I really did not like what I saw.

I also observed a friend spiral out of control one summer where he and his girlfriend did E a couple of times a week all summer. He got pretty violent and had some pretty ugly mood swings, and he and his GF spent literally all summer at each others throats.

If thats not enough, the chemistry of E is not fully understood. Meaning that scientists are not really sure how it affects the brain and what the long term effects are.


Well-Known Member
Never touched E and never will.

There have been many times that Ive been an present while friends of mine were on E, and I really did not like what I saw.

I also observed a friend spiral out of control one summer where he and his girlfriend did E a couple of times a week all summer. He got pretty violent and had some pretty ugly mood swings, and he and his GF spent literally all summer at each others throats.

If thats not enough, the chemistry of E is not fully understood. Meaning that scientists are not really sure how it affects the brain and what the long term effects are.

Just like pot, MDMA affects everyone differently... to me, it's amazing to take a small dose of molly and go hiking... I feel more connected with my environment on it and certainly never have anything close to violent thought, just the exact opposite.

Taking MDMA responsibly (no more than 3-4 times a year, and not too much each time) is not going to harm you in any way, I have ancient friends that have been doing just that since the 80's... they'll always bring a little MDMA on their vacation.


Well-Known Member
Acid and Molly... perfect in moderation,

stay away from the pressed crap, it's filled with shit you don't need...

If ya can't find molly, just don't do it.
I agree with this here.

Ive done lots and lots of e pills, along with very good molly from time to time. I always try to wait 1-2 weeks in between sessions as I build a tolerance to drugs very quickly. SS has a very good point about the pills. These pills are pressed in some ones house/lab, and who knows what is in them. If you are really curious you could send a pill into . I only do pills/molly if the person I am getting them from, is a trustworthy person, and other's in town have down them first. However, do not think you are always getting 100% pure molly, that can be cut down just as good as you can press pills with cuts.

Be safe and happy rolling


Well-Known Member
rolls are not that bad just everything in moderation and wait at least two weeks before rolling again and i used to be a hard core pooky head i popped 10 pills over like 12 hours last ultra but thats a once a year thing lol

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
First time i rolled i did 3 times in a week. After that i slowed it down to once every month or so.
Its really not that hard to control yourself people..


Active Member
My problem wit e's has always been the variation pill to pill. Some ill be real speedy, some ill make ya trip out and some ill make ya love the world, but they all have one thing in common, if ya take enough a em, next day ill be a tough one. I would sorta be of the opinion ya cant say your depressed until you've had a proper comedown of pills.

In conclusion and as above stick with ganja.


I used to do alot of EX back in high school like poppin pills for days straight its not a good idea its fun to mess around with but give yourself some time before rolling again after you do it because like other drugs it stops working and starts messin up your head the more you do it and makes you depressed more than high and starts getting expensive jus lettin you know from experience! cant go wrong with just stickin with weed but its your choice!


Staff member
i would say its okay but not the greatest to do it again i used to do it quite a bit for about amonth then i got over it and tired something else, just make sure after you experience it a few times you dont do it anymore e is really sketch cause the last time i did it i ended up doing pure meth bombs, and i fainted in the kitchen was up for like 4 days and i looked like a crack head.