Effects of hydrogen peroxide on hmv (hemp mosaic virus)?


Active Member
How effective would a 35% hydrogen peroxide soil drench be at killing off any viruses living in the soil? Specifically HMV. I'm not trying to save any plants, just clean the soil for the next round. I realize I will have to rebuild the microbial life of the soil, but at this point that would be easier than getting new soil, perlite, and vermiculite.


Active Member
Well you would think so, but considering I already have the h2o2 on hand and the travel time to where I get my soil (2 1/2hrs one way) this might actually be easier. Also it looks kind of suspicious hauling bags of soil into my house in the dead of winter, and my neighbors are pretty nosy. I'm not saying I won't go get new soil, just would rather "clean" what I have if possible. So, hydrogen peroxide kill viruses? Specifically HMV.


bud bootlegger
i've never seen nor heard of a confirmed case of hmv to tmv in any marijuana plants, it usually ends up being something like broad mites...

you have any pix of the plants? also, how'd you come to the conclusion of hmv m8?

the only guy i saw on here who ever swore he had tmv also happened to be selling spray to cure hmv, so yeah, like i said, no one i know on this site has ever seen a confirmed case of tmv or hmv, and it's usually something else, mostly it seems to be broad mites like i said earlier..


Active Member
Yes and I have. I'm kind of a nut about that stuff. I also use an SNS 203 soil drench once every 2 weeks and spray with neem once a month to keep things in check. I've used calmag, and Epsom salt to the point of almost killing 1 plant because I thought it was a mag deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Wow man, those pics are blowing my mind. All 3 leaves? I did not see that when my buddy grew that strain. He ran into some real problems with powdery mildew on that grow and it was still one of my favorite strains. Good enough to grow again this year.

I'm wondering if you just got an unstable mutated variant of a seed. Did other plants in your grow get same look?

Maybe shoot those pics over to DNA and see if they have seen this variation?

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
H2O2 will work however it will kill the good along with the bad. You might just investigate getting something like Om, Stealth Hydoponics makes this. This might be your answer to your problem. Amazon has it. Good Luck


Active Member
It only spits out the 3 fingered leaves after taking a batch of clones. By the 3rd node there back to 5 then 7. Humidity running 65-75%. I realize I will have to rebuild the microbial life.


Well-Known Member
if your using total shit soil and worried about bugs and so on. best way is to throw it into a oven 300f for 15 min or so. this will kill every thing . I reuse soil even with roots in it, it will compost . I have been doing this for years . but if it has the major root ball in it the soil is trash .


Active Member
None of my other strains (lemon skunk and blue mystic) are showing any sings of sickness and clones root in 9 days tops.


Active Member
Any suggestions are welcome. As for me, I've never seen anything that looks like what this plant is doing. It was doing fine until about 2 1/2-3 weeks flowering then ALL the fan leaves turned yellow and dropped off in the time span of 2 days. Once the clones were rooted and established they started molting/yellowing with these funky strips. It's not like there dying off, but growth is very slow and with the way the fans drop in early flower I would never be able to pull any kind of real harvest.


Well-Known Member
Have you had any pest issues? If so they can vector the virus. You could treat existing crops with RNA Pro and you should sterilize area and equipment with Physan 20 after chop before new plants are introduced to avoid perpetuating the virus. The medium has got to go imho. Bite the bullet or live with the suspected virus.

How long has this soil been in use? Could it be severely depleted in some manner?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I've seen the same thing on house plants. Just get one of those fancy pizza ovens. Shovel it in one side and it comes out the other:) I really don't think H2O2 is your answer.


Active Member
No bugs (I check daily). NEW razor for each plant when cutting clones and ALL pots, cloner, and neoprene plugs are washed with hot water and dawn antibacterial dish soap then rinsed over with 35% h2o2. I've made my fair share of mistakes in the past and have learned the cleaner things are the less chance for things to go wrong. I got a bad infestation of thrips about 2 years ago and since then have been on a regular preventive schedule with soil drenches and sprays. Soils about 2 years old but I add fresh additives after every harvest (worm castings, guanos, ect.) All other plants are doing fine.