electric cost. am i calculating this correctly? seems high


Well-Known Member
hey everyone.

i'm trying to guesstimate how much i can expect my electric bill to go up this month now that I'm starting using HID and a more power consuming setup.

I'm running

-400w mh/hps cool tube = about 475 (ballast draws more than 400 from what i've heard)
-4 inch inline fan = 115w
-portable ac = 515w

= 1100 or so total watts

if my rate is .13 kw/hr and you say I'm running 1100 total watts around the clock, which, hopefully i won't need to do that with the AC but i'm trying to achieve a worst case scenario figure, and also I'm running 20/4 light cycle for 2 more weeks when before hitting 12/12, then you multiply .12 cents by 1.1 since that is how many kw/hr i'd be using, correct? that comes out to like $3.12 per day then multiplied by 30 which is like NINETY bucks extra a month for this.. is this right? i hope i'm wrong but something tells me that I'm not :shock:


Well-Known Member
eh okay. i figured that would be the response. hopefully when i go 12 /12 it isn't so bad since I'm cutting the lights runnig time in half and while the light is off i should be able to run the AC at a pretty easy clip. thanks for the responses, everyone. all info is appreciated