Emerald Jack SMoke Report.....

I will try that. So I chopped yesterday and so far so good. My room smells like strate dankage! I thought it was goin to be really "airry", but it turned out pretty solid (the early girl I had anyways). We'll see what happens. I gave it an extra week so....:???:

best plant.jpgbest plant 3.jpgbest plant4.jpg

kether noir

Well-Known Member

i have an emerald jack and super sour og from emerald triangle. both are in flower and nearing completion. i look forward to both. beautiful pics guys.

93 93/93


Well-Known Member
harvested my emerald jack and ssog 2 weeks ago, ran them 12/12 from seed, the jack reached about 28 inches, the super sour og slightly smaller. yeild was about 50gs dry off each, the jack could have probably gone another week, but had to make space. in taste the ssog reminded me of oranges, not really sour at all,the emerald jack on the other hand has a taste that is hard to place, pungent and musk,something im not familiar with but like very much. not much smell to the ssog unless you mess with it, the emerald jack smells like it tastes, just really good weed. both of these were freebies from the tude, gonna purchase a 12 pack for 2012, great report by the way


Well-Known Member
Judging by what Ive read Im glad I ordered some Emerald Jack seeds, looking forward to growin a couple!


Well-Known Member
great report by the way
Thanks, i have 2 more of the jack going now, ill be using CS to turn one and never order it again... I just started the ssog, how did you like the high to it?

Smoke52: great looking pics, li cant wait to have more of the em j to smoke.

Canbuds: from what ive seen of ET strains, it shouldnt matter which you ordered for em to be good.. The em j is something i havent found anybody that didnt like it.;