Emergency move....


New Member
I had 4 lovely ladies on a plot of land that has been started to be logged. Had to move in a hurry. I dug them up and put them in some 5 gallon buckets to make the move in. Now what? I want to keep them in pots but the one I have are too small. Will they go into shock if I switch out some of the soil they're in (pretty much plain dirt from the woods) for something with a good moisture control? Any other pointers or advise would be appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If 30g tubs are too big/heavy to move, see if you can find tubs in the 7-20g size. I have grown in 5g tubs before but production will decrease substantially- I got nearly 1 ib from a sickly sativa in a 12g tub last summer.

I would give your plants a couple of weeks in the 5 gal tub just to let the root ball to form to a nice mass. If you can lift the entire plant & root ball in one piece, then move to a larger pot and surround the rot ball with a medium that promotes root growth (I use Promix with great results but need to feed on a near weekly basis). The ladies are very resilient- just make sure they get plenty of light during this transition period and they should be fine.