EMERGENCY !! my dumbass broke a branch


What should I do? I had a branch like 2 nodes from the bottom tied down and didn't realize I broke it till the next day. I put a piece of electrical tape around it but it was broken through the middle barely hangin on. Like I sad I taped it back up Am I fucked?


Active Member
Has the leaf gone limp? Can you post a pic? How old is the plant and is it in veg/bud? I have taped injured plants before and they recovered.


its n veg and the fan went limp but I topped it and had two baby branches growing off of it. It is about 7 weeks old the branch was about as thick as a bic pen


Active Member
I wouldn't say you are totally fucked if it is just one branch. You still have the rest of the plant don't you? I wish you could post a pic to show how far the breakage is. and after a day I am not certain. Anyone else have more experience with this? Messing with the plant and putting more stress on it may be more harmful than losing the branch


yeah there sleeping ill go up n the morn so if you could please check on this thread in the morning got it buttoned up for the night attic grow room cold Toledo Ohio nights Im trying to keep the room a steady 77 night and day ill post at about noon tomarrow


Active Member
Winter starting here in MI, I know what you mean. The best you can do is just keep checking on it. It is what it is you can't stress over it I lost almost my entire first crop very stressful. If the limb isn't limp or wilting you should be just fine. Keep the tape on for a few days or more. It will form kind of a scar tissue as it heals like a branch with no skin. You have to let it get good and healed before you take the tape off.


New Member
Its ok..you dont want the 2nd branch up anyway..it will just make the upper buds bigger..I usully take off first 4/5 anyways..yes tapeing works..if its dyi g take it off..I promise your fine brother..


Active Member
Its ok..you dont want the 2nd branch up anyway..it will just make the upper buds bigger..I usully take off first 4/5 anyways..yes tapeing works..if its dyi g take it off..I promise your fine brother..
he is LST I think he may be trying to make all this buds the upper buds. Not sure, I prune for top colas only because of space issues. Its all in how you grow and what works for your system and tastes.

7 weeks in veg your babies should be able to pop into bud unless you have a lot of room for such big plants. They are going to explode for the first few weeks into bud you will forget all about that one branch you lost (if you lose it).


Active Member
Drip some cloning agent in side of wound. Tape. Then support

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well she looks ok there all super healthy so theres that. The branch other than the fan leaf I removed is perky and green still I have 30600 lumens of cfl on them theres about 7 of em. I am buying 1000w HPS then its flower time probably next week or two weeks I feel like they should be taller or at least more space between nodes. As for lollipopping im against that I like short multibranched squid looking plants hence the name Doc Oc I gotta shoot some pics w/ my phone cus my cameras dead but im gonna go do that now. STAY TUNED and thanks for the advice/encouragement positivity is everything


Active Member
Good to see it is going well a 1000w is a nice investment will make some dense nugs. Just make sure you can afford the electricity and your not blowing a fuse. And don't worry about plant size I put a 1.5-2 foot plant into bud and its over 5 foot now with still over a month to go. They stretch A LOT in bud.

Do you have a grow journal? You should make one when you get time, we can help each other. I just started mine. The longer you do this the better you get.


Well-Known Member
I break branches from time to time. I use duck tape or zip ties wire ties. just tape it as tight as possible or zip tie it tight as possible. no your more then likely not fucked. more then likely you are ok . I almost snap one 100 percent off and I just taped it up 2 months later harvest nice yield. and yeah I seen the tape and said wow I rem that lol


Active Member
Oh yeah I wouldn't even worry about that branch looks like they are doing good. The 4th pic looks a little odd to me. Maybe just over watering? But I have no experience with LST so I can only be of so much use. Looks like they are going to be some nice bushes.


That fourth pic is an example of why you dont remove all of your fan leaves. It wont kick back This was gonna be my next thread believe it or not its as old as the rest of them. Im not comfortable with nutrients yet you dont need them outside. I did buy some orchid food its like 30 10 10 but i only use it once a week and only used it twice. I am going to get some fox farm big grow at flower time. Whats your opinion on the stubby little sucker