EMergency plan, to not get caught


Active Member
Probley even a good idea to let peeps who know I smoke that I no longer do it. That is since I lost a large group of my smoking friends and now don't smoke with anyone socially I may as well let others that knew/know I smoke that I no longer approve of it. Unfortunately my parents know I smoke and could also start thinking I may want to grow it soon there very smart and prying. So the three D's: Deny, Deny, Deny.

I think my rents are a significant risk to my grow so I will make sure they think I have stopped completely and don't approve of smoking.

Also I will make sure my parents do not know where I rent/live at.


Active Member
Damn well I'm not messin with anything like that but damn that sucks.

Yeah I'm not too worried about my situation cuz if I do it right when the maintenance guy comes in without notice all he will find is a unit with a locked bedroom door. I'm going to carbon filter the bedroom closet and use a timed ozone generator to get rid of my smoke and get rid of the plant smell. I also work for the property through a temp agency and the maintanance guy said he wouldn't break the locks when he finds locked up places he just requests a key. That is unless he has a big suspicion.

Another key thing though is that when we do notices that require privacy such as not paying rent on time we must go as a pair to put the notice on the inside of the unit door. But the smell should be taken care of, maybe a dog in the living room too, and he won't even get to take a look at the bedroom door anyways.

Any more opinions? I can't be someone's bitch lol I'm too much of a sensitive nice person to be in prison, I wouldn't last long lol
Well if that is what life is like with a landlord (i dont have one) plus if its like a one bedroom apartment with little space to really even account for and the landlord likes to like invade privacy and personally view evry inch of the apartment then keep up your security precautions and standards


Active Member
well that is because you were fucking with chemicals!!!!! You're lucky you got what you got, it's a slap on the wrist for manufacturing. And in all honesty they were in the right. Now growing weed is a different story, especially if you are legal. You do have right's and you can use them, but you have to have common sense as well. Chemicals = bad. Don't act like a paranoid idiot you see on cops when and if anyone is around. Stand your ground, and exercise your housing rights. I recommend looking up your states laws. It can be done easily just searching online.
Typical fucking retard...

You don't fuck with chemicals? What do you think N,P, and K stand for? Mg? Br? Fe? NaOH has more letters and is used to make ecstasy, so it must be more illegal You're breaking less of a law by growing weed than I was by making MDMA? I shouldn't be wasting my time with this dumbshit.


Active Member
ganjaluvr is right!

your best bet is to involve as few people as you can on your grow.

the more people that know about your grow will cause nothing but more problems...it makes you a target for home invasions...(yes even if you only grow 1-2 plants because people have big mouth's and exaggerate stories all the time...) so you tell one friend you're just growing 1 plant for yourself (not even to sell) the next thing you know that friend tells a friend you're growing...then that person tells someone you're growing...next thing you know people that you dont even know are aware of your grow and the story will get twisted until its believed you're growing on a commercial scale which leads to those home invasions etc.


there the cops...say you do grow some bud (even if just for yourself) but you sell/give a few grams to a "friend" or whoever and say they get busted by the cops (the cops always ask where did you get it) and say they rat you out, "oh i got it from so and so who grew it himself" this will be the end of your grow...and freedom.

the way i go about my grow is simple...besides myself the only people that know NEED to know...like the person im growing with obviously...haha. but no outsiders. the people that know i can count on one hand and they are directly involved. ive told no friends...i havent bragged bout anything...

the only time i discuss my grow is here under discreet terms.

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER tell/let anyone know where your grow is! this is extremely important. if they dont know where it is they cant get to it. so always be discreet...even if it seems a little overboard...going overboard and staying out of jail (or avoiding a home invasion) is a lot better than being careless and having the cops find your brain smeared on the wall during a home invasion gone wrong or hearing a knock at the door at 3am from the boys in blue.
For sure, i can tell you from experience, people got loose lips, and man it's weird how fast word travels to the wrong people.


Active Member
IMHO anything besides weed is bad, alcohol is by far much worse yet it's legal. I wouldn't mess with any chemical like MDMA or the manufacture of any chemical or other drug. Using or making other shit just gives weed a bad name. Weed is good oter shit is bad and I wouldn't choose to touch it. Personally I believe weed should be legal but I agree with strict and harsh penalties for posessing and/or manufacturing other stuff: example MDMA: ecstasy. That shit's bad as hell for people and most the time it's not pure anyway. Don't fuck with chemicals / other shit besides weed that's my opinion.