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i never done a scrog looks like a lot fun but my question is since i got a little gl80 which is about 2.5x2.5x6 how many plants should be in there
So I have read some of the argument both for and against topping plants for scrogging???Anyone care to elaborate on who to believe or what method matches what scenarios needs?

any comments would be appreciated.

Plants are around 7 inches out of the medium with 6-8 sets of branches.I plan on making the scrog about 9-10 inches from the medium.



Well-Known Member
three plants. couldnt tuck anymore. the plants colided together at the 1/3rd and 2/3rd point in the screen and grew upward becuz i ran out of room with the stretch. either way it should be good.[video=youtube_share;cHtP4n1IGWk]http://youtu.be/cHtP4n1IGWk[/video]


Well-Known Member
As long as the "runners" don't gain enough height to limit you from lowering your light to the appropriate distance from the rest of the canopy, they are fine but too much height and you also have towering shade.. Imagine a triangle; the top of the triangle is the top of your cola, the lower portion, is the shade it casts (unless you have light from multiple locations covering the same space) the further the top of the triangle is from the bottom, the wider the base becomes. Of course this is not exact, nor is the shade created a perfect triangle as it depends on where in the "grid" its positioned relative to the position of the light but when the canopy's flat surface plane is broken, issues result (typically the colas next to it suffer at the lower portions)..Potential issues can simply be removed as to avoid effecting the overall harvest. Doing so however, is best when there is not going to be a hole left behind, as would be the case if in late flowering. Early enough, and you can fill the space with another branch or simply evenly space those in the area around it to fill it in. (Summer time: over crowding causes air flow issues and results in condensation which can lead to mold/mildew issues. Keep it even, thin if needed. If truely over crowded in a scrog, no amount of increased airflow will eliminate the issue completely before damaging the foliage)


Well-Known Member
Scrogging is something you become skilled at. Skills come with experience. Many of you learn here and then post here, but most do not continue to post here long after (understandably when you have cannabis comming out of your ears, you find other important things to do with your life there after). What you see typically, is gardeners coming back and "giving back" to the thread as well as showing off a bit of the glory. We love you all for it and thank you dearly! If you do learn something valuable here, please care enough to return the favor by posting your success for others to see and learn from. It is YOU who have made this thread what it is. If you do well in years to come, please don't hesitate to show us the advancement of an experienced scrogger! Big thanks from all of us!!!



Well-Known Member
I want to say something here, very deeply felt.
I am so very impressed and thankful to be a part of this community. There was a time when I was upset about not having control over removing folks comments that would refuse to keep the topic specific to scrog on this thread; I made it known, and then pulled back and would not contribute. Shortly after, people responded by being respectful. The traffic here has slowed, which may not be in the sites best interest of making money however, the value in this thread as an educational tool has increased as a result. THAT is value given to RIU that is priceless and not I nor RIU could be solely responsible for. I want to thank you all for such a fantastic community. I want to thank RIU for the creation of this place, and promotion of such a community. RIU, you have created a world changing place for people to learn, interact, and contribute to the change our world so desperately needs. You have improved our lives. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!



New Member
Anyone doing any outdoor scrogging? If so, pictures and net size? Hows this look to everybody? any tips are appreciated! Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Anyone doing any outdoor scrogging? If so, pictures and net size? Hows this look to everybody? any tips are appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Yeah put that plant in the ground and make a huge screen! Reason I say that is because I fucked up last year and didnt put the plant in the ground and we had a 3 week heat wave and it destroyed my plant. My screen was a 5ft x 5ft