entertainment center grow - GHETTO


Active Member
welcome to my entertainment center. Inside, you'll find two plants, one of which is in the pictures, the other too small to care about. All is under 4 CFL's with an XBOX 360 light shield, a computer fan for exhaust, and the fan you see for recirculating (and it MOVES air. Got it at wal-mart in the survival section. No emergency blankets, go figure.)

Anywho, its bagseed, and it's my expirement. As you can see, she's been butchered. She's still flowering though, although I believe she'll be hermie. Tons of light leaks.


I'm going to try and make this a hydro grow cabinet after this plant. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
looks good to me, dude.. mine is ghetto too, whatever works. you should try to fix the light leaks though, no need for her to hermie if not necessary...


Active Member
yeah, i'm not sure how I go about it, though. I have 'bout an 1/8th of an inch on every side of the door exposed. Its a glass door, too, so, who knows.

I think this may be the cheapest setup ever. I probably spent less than 30 dollars making it all. My fingers always seem to find the product on the shelf, then find their way to my pockets.


Take that, ACE hardware.

Anyone else gotten away with 4 bulbs, 3 splitters, and *coughs* yes . . . POTS!


Active Member
also, what do you guys think about my girl? it seems like it's been growing FOREVER. i'm talking . . . *looks back at uploaded pictures* never mind. It's been about two, two and a half months.

Still, it seems so small.