Enzymes and beneficials


Well-Known Member
Im using an autopot system and recently started feeding it from reso and not just soil. I was wondering whats the best way to feed beneficials and enzymes?

I started thinking about it and if enzymes are produced as a byproduct from the beneficials when they eat stuff and if the enzymes also break down dead material etc for food. Would it be better to give these two some days apart and not at the same time? Like would the enzymes somehow get in the way of beneficials multiplying or do they "eat" different stuff and the two dont interfere with each others in any way?

I was thinking of giving beneficials when changing the reso nutes and then somewhere(about half way) during the week give enzymes. Idea would be to let the beneficials have all the food they can eat for first few days and hopefully multiply a bit first and then drop some enzymes in the reso so that they clean out more crap to keep the tank in a better shape and add more enzymes than what the beneficials have been able to produce. Or should i just give them both at the same time?
