Epic 50 Seed Super Sour Diesel Pheno Hunt in my 2x4! Help Growmies!

Tolerance Break

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Well-Known Member
Some years back I did something similar to this, i had a few packs from the few different sources on here and a bunch of freebies, i ended up with around 20 female sssdh, the vast majority were to the sour side but not better than the sour d keeper i already had, a single haze leaning one however, was tall with more resin took around 11 to 12 weeks was really good, very powerful haze smoke i wish i had kept.

i still think about it some years later.. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Ok guys first seedling update and I guess its not a bad time to start the plants day count.
we got an about 90% sprout rate and I am very happy about it! All seedlings looks pretty good! I just took the dome off and the fans can now strenghten the seedlings, First day of light has been about 60ppdf, 2 day i bumped to 80, since a couple started getting leggy today which is the start of the 3rd day from seed i raised ppfd to 130-145 and i believe that is plenty for a 3rd day seedling. i believe this ppfd and fans will reduce any legging up pretty good. i also dropped humidity down a bit its now about 68-72% Let me know if you would change anything about the environment
and please if you have any tips on how to save those struggling seeds i am all ears thanks alot.



Well-Known Member
I still haven t watered since the seeds came out the dirt, some have started already to produce their first set of true leaves, I think the next watering could be a very very light feed of 6ml/gallon clonex solution 1ml canna coco and 1ml canna coco b x gallon and maybe 0.5g of mycorraze dissolved in that same water, probably will ph to 6.0-6.1. I heard there is some nutrients in the organiplugs and they were soaked in 3ml/gallon clonex seedling feed, any tips on the next watering, i really don t wanna overfeed but they might need just a touch of nutes


Well-Known Member
Soil is mixed, I used 50L or 1.8cubic feet of motherearth coco perlite 70-30, 10 quarts/12lbs of brut worm castings, 2 quarts of vermiculite, 3 handfuls of pistachio biochar, 5 teaspoons of azomite micronized, wetted everything with 1.5 gal of water at 6.2 ph with 5gr myco, 1ml superthrive and 0.5ml of mammoth p to start colonizing the medium, which also feels very light and areated. lmk



Well-Known Member
Is this a start of powdery mildew?
I ve had rh high in mid seventies so far, i turned it down to 67%, should i spray this 2-4 seedlings with grower s ally s fungicide?



Well-Known Member
Is this a start of powdery mildew?
I ve had rh high in mid seventies so far, i turned it down to 67%, should i spray this 2-4 seedlings with grower s ally s fungicide?
A little hard to tell from the pic, but it could be. You really don’t want high humidity for little seedlings, because they are still young and haven’t built up their defense yet so molds and stuff like that can kill them very easily.


Well-Known Member
A little hard to tell from the pic, but it could be. You really don’t want high humidity for little seedlings, because they are still young and haven’t built up their defense yet so molds and stuff like that can kill them very easily.
can they withstand a spray of fungicide?


I did that. When I had seedlings I poured a little water 2 or 3 inches away from the seedling and lightly misted the foliage to keep them hydrated but my humidity at that point was closer to 50% with temps at around 70-75 and ended up with some residue.