Epsom Salts


Well-Known Member
epsom salt, if it isnt a mg deficiency, and you add the salt, will there be any negative consequences?

Any 1 that know please share the knowledge



Well-Known Member
Of course there could be, there may not tho. I mean, you are adding salt, so yeah, if it is not needed, there may be some issues, but not guarenteed.


Well-Known Member

Any more thorts people???

im gonna start using 2 part nutes same amount going in the mix,, now there cant be any deficiency hu??


Well-Known Member
There always can be defisiencies. Sometime plants lockout certain nutrients, and basically starve themslves. You fert may not be set up specifically for your plant. You may have to adjust your nutes to fit your plant. If it show deficiencies for Nitrogen, then add a bit more grow fert, that type of thing....