ever held large aMOUNTS OF CASH AND WONDERD ?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
There is that many kitty stripper memes for a reason...
loose pussy is all over them poles. Each a little greasier than the last :(
And here I was thinking I had the power to make any stripper I ever met wet I thought I was getting good at it to with each pussy a little wetter then the last one!! Grease you say?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I had 10,000 in cash back when I was 23 or so because I lived in the Caribbean and was a stupid fuck. I cashed all my paychecks at once when I was moving back to the states and instead of getting a bank check I asked for cash. The people in the bank all looked at each other. It took like 20 minutes but they handed me two fat envelopes filled with cash. It was pretty fucking scary, actually, because as I hitchiked rides back to my house I just had a backpack with 10 large in it and I could have sworn all the West Indian locals were going to machete my white ass, fuck my corpse, and take the cash.

Ended up blowing the wad of cash with my ex wife at the time in just a few months. If I knew then what I do now, I would have done something intelligent with the money and would still have some of it now!
Don't feel to bad I'm sure a lot of guys blew wads on your X wife!


Well-Known Member
I once had $73,000 stuffed down my pants and had to walk through two blocks of shady characters. It was a scrapyard thing.

When I was younger, a local brother and sister ripped $10k from their dad and went off to start a new life. It lasted about a month.