Ever just plain F'ed up?


Active Member

dude im the prince of phuckupery.

i got cuaght growing and blackmailed by a guy becuase i put off installing a door lock (5 minute job)

i married a woman that told me shes cheated on every man shes ever been with (she told me this on our second date) (and no, she wasnt exhagerating)

i forgot to take my meds, passed out cracked by head on the curb, and now have had my liscence suspended untill my meds balance back out. (even though i wasnt in a car)

oh heres the fuckup im on right now.

theres something wrong with my kidneys, and im in so much debt from hospital bills i have to work constantly to keep up. and i keep putting off the SERIES of tests they want to run on me. and yes i know if my kidnys shut down ill be dead soon after.