ever seen this


This is a plant that started from a fallen seed last fall. It made it through winter and has grown quite deformed. Today i found this. Anyone ever seen this before.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its a plant thats grown here in texas for its fibers,some people call it hemp although its not even close


Well-Known Member
You know how when you hover your cursor over a thread title it shows you the first couple of words?

As soon as I read those I thought to myself I bet it isn't pot.

And its worse than all the others because he has a pot plant there to compare it to.

Unless its another troll...which it may be...I mean, yellow flower?


Active Member
not weed if it was there growing for that long it would be way taller and stalkier even if it has been there for a wild


Well-Known Member
There's some good information on this site, yet one has to read through one dumb thread after another in order to find it.


ok ok maybe i'm a dumb ass. All i can say is that this is my smoking bench and seeds get dropped there. I suppose the seed could have came from anywhere, but i've never seen anything like it in this area. Is it common for nodes to grow just above a fan leaf like this.



Active Member
if you look at the first picture you also notice that the leaves arent really connected where they come togeher there is a longer stem that leads the middle leaf further out, definitely not marijuana, there are many wild plants that look like reefer so this is probly just a cool coincedence that it is growing where you dump your seeds. marijuana leaves always come together at pretty much the same point on the stem. i found a similar plant to that in my friends yard once and really thought it was weed too... until i noticed taht it had these little sticker things on it and that the branchers were not directly across from each other as it was growing. some marijuana doesnt have leaves directly across from each other but i believe its only during flowering.