*****everyone please look!!!*****


The following pictures show the problem I have been having since I have first started to try and grow my own. I have tried everything over the last year or so to correct the problem. I am growing in clay balls and My PH is always spot on. My roots grow healthy and have no signs of rot nor bugs. I have COMPLETELY sterilized my system several times and have even got rid of the Tent I have grown in with my previous attempts. I have Completely changed the clay balls twice. My temperatures are at 24oC and my airflow both in and out is more than adequate. I have even resorted to bottled water thinking my water was somehow the problem and still had no success My Plant growth is majorly stunted and seems to not grow at all. I have tried growing at 400w, 600w & 800w HPS with no change. I am completely out of options and now I have no choice but to put it out to you my fellow growers and I can only hope one of you wise fellers are on the ball and can help me from throwing in the towel!!! Please note...... YOUR HELP IS MORE THAN APPRECIATED IN ASSISTING WITH MY PROBLEM!!! I BEG FOR YOUR HELP!!! TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!!!View attachment 1564664View attachment 1564665View attachment 1564666View attachment 1564664View attachment 1564665View attachment 1564666View attachment 1564670View attachment 1564671View attachment 1564667View attachment 1564668View attachment 1564669


I dont seem to be getting anywhere in the field of advice so PLEASE- If you see this, Please leave your diagnosis and Solution for the problem. I will reply to you all. Thankyou very much for your time!!!!!


Active Member
Ditch the clay balls and ph shit.

Learn soil first.
Are you crazy? If he's already having problems why would you have try soil when it's much harder to grow in soil? And, as I learned in my first grow, keeping your ph stable is very important to nutrient uptake. If your ph is too high or too low, you get nute lock out.

Pics would be helpful, but if you want, take a look at my journal. I'm growing Hydro. If you think my plants look the way you'd like yours to, I can give you a run down on nutes, my ppm and ph levels. If you are growing 4 plants or less, I'd stick with a 400 Watt HPS. Mainly for heat control. If more than 4 plants, a good rule of thumb, is you want 100 watts per plant.
Also, tell me the title of your thread with pics. Much easier to help if I could see the problem!


Are you crazy? If he's already having problems why would you have try soil when it's much harder to grow in soil? And, as I learned in my first grow, keeping your ph stable is very important to nutrient uptake. If your ph is too high or too low, you get nute lock out.

Pics would be helpful, but if you want, take a look at my journal. I'm growing Hydro. If you think my plants look the way you'd like yours to, I can give you a run down on nutes, my ppm and ph levels. If you are growing 4 plants or less, I'd stick with a 400 Watt HPS. Mainly for heat control. If more than 4 plants, a good rule of thumb, is you want 100 watts per plant.
Also, tell me the title of your thread with pics. Much easier to help if I could see the problem!
Hydro is a great deal harder than soil, there is no buffer to prevent nute burn and so on. I would suggest growing in soil as well.


Active Member
Well, to each his own, but I have found hydro to be a lot easier. Check ppm, ph, top off your res and it's all good. No over or under watering, no transplanting, no heavy pots to carry all over to tend to your plants. Just a few of the ways I found hydro to be easier.


Active Member
Hydro is a great deal harder than soil, there is no buffer to prevent nute burn and so on. I would suggest growing in soil as well.
Do you have a journal? Because I'd like to see your plants! I'm always interested in seeing soil grows, lots of the people I've learned from on RIU have soil gardens, but that doesn't work for me. To me it's more impressive to be able to grow a healthy plant that way, then with hydro!


Well-Known Member
From what i've seen in your other threads, its a pH, or nute burn, pure and simple. Your either doing 1 of 2 things wrong, or even perhaps both.

2. Your over fertilizing and it's causing your leaves to yellow and die.

Check your pH, if it's fine, and fine and fine. (Keep checking, I usually run at least 2 tests to be sure the first was accurate) then check to make sure you read your nutrient instructions right...If you HAVE, then check to make sure your adding them in the right combination. If that's fine too, then I suggest you ask your "Friend" with the EXACT same setup, what your doing wrong.
...It stands to reason that if he has an identical setup, and he's able to make it work properly, then HE SHOULD COME LOOK AT IT AND TELL YOU WHAT YOUR DOING WRONG!
Call me old fashioned, but that sounds simple. And simple USUALLY works best my friend.

Good luck, and I hope your problem is resolved in time to save your crop.


Well-Known Member
And btw...I also believe that starting with soil is the best option. For all the cash you've sunk into trying to do hydro, you could have had a HUGE successful crop in soil. ;-)


Well-Known Member
And btw...I also believe that starting with soil is the best option. For all the cash you've sunk into trying to do hydro, you could have had a HUGE successful crop in soil. ;-)
true. less than 100$ at any decent garden supply store gives you enough soil, ferts, and planters to net a very decent yield indeed....


RIU Bulldog
Well, to each his own, but I have found hydro to be a lot easier. Check ppm, ph, top off your res and it's all good. No over or under watering, no transplanting, no heavy pots to carry all over to tend to your plants. Just a few of the ways I found hydro to be easier.
I could see how some people would have a harder time growing in soil. Detail oriented people who were probably good at math lol.


Active Member
I was okay at math, better at English. But, I am pretty detail oriented! You have to be with 4 kids or it would be complete chaos, instead of a little chaotic! Don't know, though. It's not just MJ I can't grow in soil. It's anything I've tried from roses to strawberries and tomatoes!