Everyone will hate me


Well-Known Member
are you a doctor. How do you decide whats ok for yourself. So if you are a person who enjoys cutting themselves. Selfmutilation is that ok.
You make a good point. Lets ban all sharp objects and fill our prisons with mental patients that like to cut themselves.:wall:

I'm through

Fuck the Police


Well-Known Member
people who cut themselves and abuse there own safety legally can be admitted to a mental hospital for evolution so that they can no further damage themselves. they are held within that hospital until diagnosis is complete and then further action is taken or not. Thats why we have wards.


Well-Known Member
also one of the most prominent members of nwa has spoken out in favor of law enforcement. Even though he had the single cop killer.

smoker toker

Active Member
I'm really actually kind split in this dispute... I agree that meth, crack, heroin... it's all for fuckin loosers and are BS drugs for sure, they are addictive, and destroy people's lives...... but so does alcohol and alcohol is legal... a real alcoholic is just as bad as a meth head, only difference is the substance and its effects.........so where is the line seriously drawn?

Vertise would you have a different opinion if one of your buddies was killed because some idiot went driving high on weed?

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
And yet sharp objects remain legal.
I just don't get it.

A few things that cause more death than illegal drugs.
Prescription drugs.
OTC drugs.
Cell Phones used in cars.
Horse riding.
Fast Food.
Guns.(mostly due to the fact that drugs are illegal.)

Ban them all.


Well-Known Member
when will people learn that trying to tell other people what to think never ever works. you need to be able to show them. and if your not able to do that then you just have to let them figure it out on there own. bottom line.


Well-Known Member
even though i enjoy a drink and it has already made it main stream in todays society i am more against it then pot. To me pot is much less evil then booze. easy as saying how many people have died from pot. compared to booze. And trebor you are arguing accidents against non accidents. you cant control a plain crash or a car accident. or a heart attack or things that are left to the idea that when its your time its your time. but you can control deaths caused by addictions a


Well-Known Member
the majority of drug deaths are accidents.
Due to irregular purity.
If regulated these deaths would not occur.

Everything in the list has the threat of death but most choose to ignore it.


Well-Known Member
and as for your issues as a child...hence the word a child you are not as knowing at a young age as someone who is older. Hence the laws that govern minors from engaging in underage drinking driving etc. Those laws are put into place to disrupt most destructive behaviors for both the young and old. Obviously you saying that you put someone on life support as a minor is a ill defense. I never did as a child, not because of morals but because i knew the consequences based on rules and laws. I gained those ideas not because i was born with them but because i knew KNEW THE CONSEQUENCES.
I wasnt a minor just younger.

Rules and laws are only created through moral standards, you would have to be a idiot not to realize that.

if you cant agree that morals have a higher value then laws, then I dont even know what the hell your doing on this forum in the first place.

you either respect the law in its entirety or you dont, and fall to your own code where you can morally pick and choose what you like.


Well-Known Member
people dont ignore they must do those things out of need. Only two of the things you mentioned are done out of someones own will. And smoking we have national campaigns to help people quit. Even government funded help groups. I smoke and i hate it, but i do it cause i tried it and got addicted. Now i want to quite. But if i were to tell my boss no i cant drive into work cause i dont want to die in a car accident he would laugh and fire me.


Well-Known Member
so what morals caused you to put someone on life support. Are you saying that you have none hence your actions were justified at the time.


Well-Known Member
or are you saying that you should respect the laws that govern us because they are in place to protect and not harm, though some should be changed others are there to regulate our laps in moral judgement.


Well-Known Member
or are you saying that you should respect the laws that govern us because they are in place to protect and not harm, though some should be changed others are there to regulate our laps in moral judgement.
What im saying is Morals in people are forever changing, even as the general public.

Laws get tied up too quick and dont always align to the moral judgement of the people.

but at the end of the day its the people that have the moral choice, you had a moral choice to pick up a cigarette and smoke for the first time if not more ive never known someone to get addicted on the first smoke lol, you made a moral choice to simply say, I know its addictive but yes I will try it, Not everyone smokes though now do they? simply because its legal the same thing works even if its illegal.

Morals dictate actions of the people not laws.

Myself when I was younger I had no real morals to speak of, I was in alot of fights, I was young poor and angry and in a gang, why would I respect laws?, I made a choice to stop fighting one day and instead of wallowing in violence, hurting people, doing however I pleased, to closing that chapter on my life and going on to make something of myself, I gained morals to benifit myself and my overall well being, so the next guy I kick in the chest doesnt get killed, so I no longer get people pointing guns at my kneecaps, and so people stop lunging at me with knives, Laws barely mean anything in the most impoverished part of society.


Well-Known Member
i didnt get addicted the first time but after a couple smokes i grad increased. Also laws dictate a hell of alot how people act. Once again say you cant control someones morals but you can punish them for morals that do not meet the norm, which as a result prevents others with the same morals. You ever get punished as a child, and then when you did it again you were punished until you stopped doing that thing. What the law does is create that punishment on a scale that is much worse then what your morals say is wrong even after you do whatever is morally wrong. Why does the legal system greatly affect the smoking industry on a large scale. Is it the morals of the cig manufacturers to say hey this is wrong or is it the law that says hey you have to put these warnings on the package or pay out damage money to victims of your product. ETC